Here are some lists of what kinds of business will be open or closed as of Tuesday night until April 13, Easter Monday, following the decree of François Legault Monday afternoon. The official Quebec page is clear.
Some are worried about people with alcohol dependency and where they will be able to go to isolate and yet not face withdrawal.
Two SPVM officers have tested positive for COVID-19. They had been on vacation and have been in self-isolation since returning.
It’s disturbing to read that nurses at the Montreal General who were exposed to a patient with the virus were sent an email telling them to keep quiet about it and keep working. Right now we need to trust the health services and this kind of shifty behaviour is exactly what we don’t need.
Alison Cummins 23:36 on 2020-03-23 Permalink
How many of the threats to homeless and substance-dependent individuals in that metro article are real problems?
They worry that deps will close (they won’t).
They worry that supervised injection sites will close — and as I read the list, yes, they will.
They worry that care at the Royal Vic for homeless people who are COVID-19+ won’t take dependence into account. If that’s realistic, I’m horrified. I know that doctors *can* prescribe alcohol for their hospitalized alcohol-dependent patients. Are they saying that it’s common practice here not to?
Alison Cummins 23:50 on 2020-03-23 Permalink
But what I want to know is.,, will my fridge be delivered tomorrow?
(Used, nice brand, delivered, $600 tax included, they’ll take the old fridge and fix it and resell it if they can… unless the delivery is not an essential service, in which case I am out both a fridge and $600 for another month.)
Kate 00:37 on 2020-03-24 Permalink
Delivery services should be OK:
david100 06:24 on 2020-03-24 Permalink
Stone cold boozehounds and druggies can be dosed on lorazepam and barbiturates to deal with the withdrawal symptoms, and they’ll come off better.
J 07:04 on 2020-03-24 Permalink
The dep in my corner shut down, so I think that it might be up to the owners to decide whether to open or close. Pretty sure that the decree allows essential businesses to open, but doesn’t prevent them from closing.
Uatu 07:38 on 2020-03-24 Permalink
Re: the nurses at the Gen- this is typical of some managers at the muhc and these “keep quiet” edict types of decisions resulted in the Elbaz brothers/Porter’s fraud and only reinforces the need for a unionized workforce
dwgs 07:39 on 2020-03-24 Permalink
If you go to the gov’t link and click on ‘Commerces Prioritaires’ you’ll see that the SAQ, SQDC, deps, etc, are all considered essential.
Alison Cummins 07:48 on 2020-03-24 Permalink
Kate, it’s not that clear. (List below from Quebec website. Numbers added by me for ease of reference.)
Les services prioritaires de transport et logistique suivants :
1. Transports en commun et transport des personnes
2. Ports et aéroports
3. Services d’entretien de locomotives, d’aéronefs et opérations aéronautiques essentielles (transport aérien)
4. Approvisionnement et distribution des biens alimentaires, épiceries et dépanneurs
5. Transport, entreposage et distribution de marchandises essentielles
6. Déneigement et maintien des liens routiers fonctionnel
7. Stations-services et réparation mécanique de véhicules automobiles, camions et équipements spécialisés pour les industries considérées essentielles et assistance routière
8. Taxis et services de transport adapté
9. Services postaux, messageries et livraisons de colis
Reasonable people could disagree on whether my fridge is an essential good that may be delivered (item 5).
Pro: I think it’s essential (though if necessary I can learn otherwise).
Con: The store I bought it from is not on the list of essential stores that can remain open. It’s possible I would need to order my fridge from Home Depot (which can remain open as per item D below, so presumably everything in it is an essential good).
(Letters added by me for ease of reference.)
Les commerces prioritaires, incluant :
A. Épiceries et autres commerces d’alimentation
B. Pharmacies
C. Dépanneurs
D. Grandes surfaces hors centre commercial (offrant des services d’épicerie, pharmacie ou de quincaillerie)
E. Produits pour exploitations agricoles (mécanique, engrais, etc.)
F. Société des alcools du Québec (SAQ) et Société québécoise du cannabis (SQDC)
G. Salons funéraires, crémation et cimetières
F. Restaurants (comptoirs pour emporter ou livraison seulement)
G. Hôtels
H. Nettoyeurs et buanderie
I. Commerces d’articles médicaux et orthopédiques
J. Commerces d’aliments et fournitures pour les animaux de compagnie
K. Déménageurs
L. Équipements de travail (sécurité et protection)
Alison Cummins 07:58 on 2020-03-24 Permalink
Sure. But the folks quoted in Metro seem to think that substance-dependent people may be left untreated for withdrawal. Is that fear founded? Would COVID-19+ individuals not be under medical care of some level while distancing at the Vic? Do the substance-dependent find that when they are hospitalized their dependence is untreated? (Not just not treated the way they would like, but not treated at all — the people quoted emphasized the life-or-death nature of the problem.)
Kate 08:58 on 2020-03-24 Permalink
Alison, all you can do about the fridge is ask the people you bought it from. As J noted, because some kinds of business are permitted to stay open, it doesn’t mean they have to.
Alison Cummins 09:25 on 2020-03-24 Permalink
Kate, yes, I called. “All deliveries scheduled for Tuesday will go ahead as planned.” Which suggests that future deliveries may not???
So I’m fine, but there may be more kinks to work out.
JP 10:04 on 2020-03-24 Permalink
I can tell you right now, lots of companies that aren’t essential are trying to stay open….putting their employees at risk (my parents companies are staying open….the employees have been told they have “government permission”). The owners get to stay at home, while the workers have to go in and put their lives at risk.
If Dollarama is staying open, I sure hope they’re limiting the number of people going in and creating safe conditions for their employees. I used to work at one during cegep, minimum wage is not worth the pressure and toxic work environment that I knew Dollarama to be.
Alison Cummins 11:15 on 2020-03-24 Permalink
The fridge-deliverers say this is their last day. Then no more deliveries for a month. They won’t be paid, will need to apply for EI and do whatever they need to do.
Dhomas 07:38 on 2020-03-25 Permalink
@Allison did they tell you that as they delivered your fridge yesterday (this is my hope), or on the phone as they let you know you wouldn’t be getting yours?
Alison Cummins 08:02 on 2020-03-25 Permalink
Yep, got my fridge! On the last possible day. If your fridge breaks you can probably get a new one from a stand-alone big box hardware store.
dhomas 16:27 on 2020-03-25 Permalink
Glad to hear you got it! 🙂