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  • Kate 17:38 on 2020-03-30 Permalink | Reply  

    Metro trains and buses are reported to have been crowded intermittently since the reduction in scheduling that came into force Monday.

    Monday, François Legault announced Sunday closure for stores throughout April, intended to give workers a rest. The only exceptions are deps, gas stations, pharmacies and restaurant takeout. Supermarket chains have welcomed this order.

    A Quebec couple who fled to a remote village in the Yukon were quickly sent packing.

    A man under strong suspicion of being a gangster, held awaiting trial, has pleaded for release from Bordeaux Jail before the virus gets there. Although some suspects awaiting trial in Ontario have been freed on similar pleas, the prosecutor here is quoted saying if anyone’s going to be let go, it won’t be a suspected drug lord. But the judge will decide.

    • qatzelok 23:14 on 2020-03-30 Permalink

      -“Hello, kind people of Yukon. We have brought Hudson Bay blankets as a gift.”
      -Back on the plane! *purells airport*

    • Michael Black 23:32 on 2020-03-30 Permalink

      Infected blankets were never needed. Anyone who came over from Europe was a potential carrier, that’s the real vector. And that’s why the population was devastated. I suspect everyone had a loss to disease from Europe. And surely it happened with early contact so when settlers actually spread out they soaw such small populations that they never gave it thought. Any infected blankets were just twisting the knife.

      So there’s a collective memory, which is why blockades are going up. They don’t want rampant disease again.

    • Raymond Lutz 08:49 on 2020-03-31 Permalink

      Mask or not? Going in crowed places and still unsure about wearing some kind of protection? More data and analysis review by kottke: You Probably Should Be Wearing a Face Mask if You Can.

    • Kevin 09:47 on 2020-03-31 Permalink

      Banning Sunday shopping is stupid.

      With stores closing early, the only time essential services workers can do their groceries is on the weekend.

      Forget online delivery or ordering for pickup: they’re swamped. Lufa sent out an email yesterday saying they were now first-come first-served. By the time doctors got home and tried to login, everything was booked.

    • Meezly 11:21 on 2020-03-31 Permalink

      That Quebec couple. So many adjectives going through my mind after hearing about them. You really can’t make that sh*t up!

    • Tim S. 12:42 on 2020-03-31 Permalink

      They drove from Quebec to Whitehorse. They had a lot of time to think about whether that was really a good idea and turn around, and yet they didn’t.

    • Michael Black 13:00 on 2020-03-31 Permalink

      The amusing thing about their decision (their action isn’t amusing) is that they feared getting the virus, but in travelling tyat distance, including flying, they probably risked more contact than if they’d just stayed home with the doors and windows locked.

    • Chris 11:13 on 2020-04-02 Permalink

      >Supermarket chains have welcomed this order.

      Could they not have closed on their own if they wanted/need to? Is there a law requiring them to be open Sundays?

  • Kate 16:54 on 2020-03-30 Permalink | Reply  

    Here’s the Montreal public health page: we have 1612 confirmed cases in town, with a clear bump in CDN-NDG and Côte St-Luc. For once, Montreal East is a healthy place to be, although if you can afford Senneville you’re even more fortunate. Steve Faguy tweeted a graph showing the per capita numbers, which shows Hampstead and Outremont also up there. Despite claims I’ve seen about Park Ex, ViSaMiPex borough is not doing badly.

    • mare 17:50 on 2020-03-30 Permalink

      Steve Faguy’s tweet has been deleted because it showed cases per million, and suddenly neighbourhoods had 1000s of cases. New graphic is here

    • Kate 18:16 on 2020-03-30 Permalink

      Thanks, mare. I’ve replaced the link I had with your new one. (I also stripped out the code that was making it tiny.)

    • Anon1984 19:33 on 2020-03-30 Permalink

      I wish they would separate NDG from Côte des Neiges for purposes of counting COVID infections..my feeling is that it’s much more concentrated in certain areas of NDG and would mean #s of infection per thousand much higher and could hopefully help with containment strategies..I live and work in Monkland Village a population of very affluent,well-traveled people (also lots of Doctors)..first sign we might have been in potential future hot spot was case at NDG Library..I really wish Sue Montgomery was more pro active

    • JP 20:03 on 2020-03-30 Permalink

      If that were true…it might also help with reducing the xenophobic comments being thrown around. NDG doesn’t quite have the stigma that CDN does. Just read a LaPresse article on FB where the headline was about lots of cases in CDN. The comments section was full of ignorant and xenophobic comments.

    • nau 07:40 on 2020-03-31 Permalink

      Yeah, would be nice to see the île des Soeurs and “mainland” Verdun cases separately for the same reason.

    • walkerp 08:12 on 2020-03-31 Permalink

      Why are Cotes-des-Neiges and NDG the same borough in the first place? They are barely contiguous and each is almost as big as the biggest boroughs in the city.

    • Kate 09:53 on 2020-03-31 Permalink

      Bad decisions were made after the merger-demerger debacle, walkerp. Areas were smushed together for political expedience. NDG and CDN have different needs and problems and are, as you point out, each big enough to deserve their own administrative structure. Whether the city had been told to limit the number of boroughs, or whether Quebec was cannily creating a large borough it hoped would chronically fight with city hall, I don’t know.

      On a smaller scale, I live in an equally misconceived borough. Villeray, Park Ex and St-Michel are all distinctive areas, with different histories, demographics and issues. But here we are with them all smushed together into one administrative unit.

    • Kevin 09:57 on 2020-03-31 Permalink

      Most analysts I’ve spoken to say it was done for the same reason the PQ rammed through the municipal mergers.

    • Kate 11:27 on 2020-03-31 Permalink

      Kevin, how would you characterize that reason?

    • Kevin 22:47 on 2020-03-31 Permalink

      To reduce political power

  • Kate 10:00 on 2020-03-30 Permalink | Reply  

    Mayor Plante says the city will requisition a hotel to house the homeless, but she hasn’t said which one yet. The state of emergency has been extended.

    In general, police are going to be stricter about breaking up gatherings and making sure nonessential businesses stay closed.

    Further measures, such as asking people not to stray more than one kilometre from their homes, or for only one person in a household to go out shopping at a time, haven’t yet been put in place.

    The Orthodox Jewish community in Boisbriand has been placed under quarantine. There are 4000 people in that community and anywere between ten and twenty have tested positive – numbers differ.

    • Alison Cummins 13:15 on 2020-03-30 Permalink

      I’m glad about the hotel.

      Since this is a long-haul project, what about people with tenuous housing situations – say, people with small children living with a violent alcoholic?

      It might be better for people who have the space to take a roommate, rather than require single people to live alone in permanent lockdown. (I wouldn’t mind taking in a roommate in theory, but in practice I would worry quite a bit if it wasn’t someone I knew well.)

    • Ephraim 14:31 on 2020-03-30 Permalink

      Wouldn’t it be easier to requisition a dorm… Concordia cleared theirs. McGill has encouraged people to leave. And UQAM should offer them to CHUM staff that don’t want to go home and put their family at risk.

    • Spi 16:28 on 2020-03-30 Permalink

      I’m not familiar with the state of each institution’s dorm, but hotels make sense because they all have individual bathrooms and don’t have shared amenities like kitchens and living space. I know the new rez at McGill could meet those criteria (being a former hotel). Putting a lot of people in a space where they share a lot of the basics (bathroom/kitchen) defeats the purpose of social isolation.

    • Ephraim 18:03 on 2020-03-30 Permalink

      Most dorms are a lot more robust, furniture and fixture wise. I’m sure some of them must have their own bathrooms. Remember, the city will be responsible for damages. So maybe a hotel that is looking to refurb… because they are going to be hard on the property.

    • Joey 08:42 on 2020-03-31 Permalink

      @Ephraim recall that the dorms had to be shuttered because they were too conducive to gatherings. Anyway, I’m not sure why it would have been “easier” to requisition a dorm than a hotel. I say put the homeless up in the fanciest hotels until the pandemic is over. Let’s start with the renovated Queen E.

  • Kate 08:53 on 2020-03-30 Permalink | Reply  

    The new Champlain bridge was lit up like a Christmas tree overnight as a symbol of hope.

    TVA even spotted someone walking around in a rainbow costume. This use of the rainbow symbol began in Italy with the slogan “andrà tutto bene” and has been adopted here with “ça va bien aller” under it. It must derive from Genesis 9:12-16.

    • Dominic 10:07 on 2020-03-30 Permalink

      Saw the bridge. It had been a while since it was lit up. I didnt realize it was for this. It looked great!

    • CE 16:29 on 2020-03-30 Permalink

      I can see the UdeM tower from my balcony and saw that it was lit up with rainbow colours last night.

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