Both the Mount Royal and Notre-Dame-des-Neiges cemeteries are restricting access to casual visitors, and only allowing in a couple of family members by appointment, if there’s a burial.
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A man drowned in the back river Friday afternoon in an attempt to rescue his dog, who’d fallen in. The dog got itself out, but the owner did not.
A Hasidic spokesman said Friday that there had been no gathering in the synagogue on Bernard the previous evening, although he admits people had been milling around outside to some extent.
A regular reader pointed out I’d missed this important news about means being taken by three boroughs to deter renovictions.
Montreal public health has introduced a web app where you can enter any rona symptoms you have and specify your neighbourhood down to the first three characters of your postal code. It was written in Toronto but is known here as
The jazz festival and the Francos are cancelled for this year and Just For Laughs is postponed, theoretically till late September.
I just got email from Vélo Québec saying the Tour de l’Île and related events, scheduled for the end of May into June, are cancelled.
Twitter is also telling me that this year’s Fringe is cancelled.
This must not bode well for the Porch Fest nor the Folk Fest gang. Hang in there, Sud-Ouest folks. We’ll catch up with you later for sure.
Police broke up a gathering at a storefront synagogue on Bernard, Thursday evening. They were “snitched” on by firefighters who happened to notice.
People have been flushing sterilizing wipes, and it’s bad for the sewage system.
Calls to suicide lines dipped at the beginning of the crisis, but are now on the rise as people face job stress or job loss, isolation or else being locked in with difficult family members.
Cult MTL is not going to print this month, but they do have a PDF version you can download, with a terrific cover.
Tim S
I know a family who had to evacuate their home for several months after their upstairs toilet backed up and overflowed, apparently quite dramatically, on account of wipes clogging the pipes.
Firefighters can’t snitch, they are the authorities. But point taken, see you all after this is over.
May you never be in a situation where your safety or well-being is compromised by some holier-than-thou reactionary “neighbour” that cares more about the letter of the law than its spirit.
Details matter. Was this event like Perez’, with a handful of people that mostly live together already? Or was it 50 people from 50 different families congregating together? The article is light on actual details.
Ian, I’m sorry. Please don’t blow off this blog because we’ve disagreed on a thing. Not during a crisis.
Neither climate change, nor coronavirus, nor rain, nor snow… can stop Superman (who is fictional, by the way).
Did someone see what GROUP they are from? The city needs to appeal to their rabbi.
It could just as easily be the rabbi encouraging them to continue as usual. That’s the case in Israel, where several prominent rabbinic leaders have publicly defied government rules about quarantine.
Damn, that’s my daughter’s ruelle!
La Presse: Les services de sécurité hassidiques, les Chomrims, sont accourus sur place dans plusieurs véhicules. Les Chaverims, un service d’assistance d’urgence bénévole hassidique, ont aussi été dépêchés sur place. Vers 21 h la situation s’est calmée et la plupart des gens sont rentrés chez eux.
The Dutriaz audio link on the TVA story calls them “les goons hassidiques” and the racist (?) “reporters” seem to rejoice in the news about Michael Rosenberg which is perhaps understandable but still UGLY.
A few savoury expressions in the audio file: partir en couilles, sacrer une amende, ses cambrilles (sp?), etc.
Raymond Lutz
Thanks Raymond I am healed.
Chaverim Shomrim is Tosh. Same people as Kiryat Tosh, in Boisbriand. They are the UO neighbourhood watch, though I didn’t realize that in Montreal it was one group, rather than two, since Chaverim is usually the Tosh neighbourhood watch group, Shomrim is more general UO group. There is also Hatzalah, which is the UO EMS group.
The city was about to raise parking meter rates, but now the increase has been postponed.
Dhomas 00:20 on 2020-04-04 Permalink
The Repos Saint-François d’Assise out east has been closed for about a week now, too.
Kate 08:58 on 2020-04-04 Permalink
I guess I can see why. You don’t want to risk a gathering of people at a graveside. But for taking a stroll far away from most (living) people, all three of these cemeteries are good places. Mount Royal is especially nice in springtime, because the oldest sections have some crabapples and other flowering trees.
I wouldn’t have thought the cemeteries dangerous for casual visitors, but I suppose they’re running with short security staff.
Ian 12:16 on 2020-04-04 Permalink
Last weekend I had to go to a Canadian Tire for emergency supplies and on my way home took a meandering route, originally planning to visit Notre Dame des Neiges just to be able to walk around for a bit without too many people around, or at least that was my plan, as it was already closed except by appointment. I drove to Mont-Royal instead but opted not to walk around as there already a surprising number of people walking around, mostly in groups of 2. Coming down through upper Outremont there were tons of people around, not maintaining social distance at all. I saw one group of 2 families with children openly sharing snacks from tupperware. Surprisingly way more in the very wealthy neighbourhoods than down the hill.
I guess now that the city is asking that we not leave our neighbourhoods trying to go for a solitary walk anywhere around my neighbourhood, Mile-End, will be pretty much impossible. I guess i’ll be getting my sun by sitting on my stoop. This morning I took my coffee on the stoop as my neighbours up and down the block did their Sabbath prayers together from their own stoops & balconies, including a kaddish for the dead.
Chris 13:10 on 2020-04-04 Permalink
I wonder how much they think through the unintended consequences of these things. Like Ian says, in dense neighbourhoods, closing parks will just result in more crowding of sidewalks. Could be worse overall.
With so little car traffic now, pedestrians should take back the streets. 🙂
Ian 19:23 on 2020-04-05 Permalink
I don’t know where you live, Chris, but in my neighbourhood the locals walk in the streets all the time regardless.
Careful what you wish for though, we still need food deliveries and most of that comes by truck. If the streets are full of unaware ding-dongs wandering around like they do in the parks, and on the sidewalks, there will be a slowdown in restocking of groceries, pharmacies, deps, etc. at best and pedestrian deaths from getting run over by trucks while walking in the streets at worst.
GC 08:01 on 2020-04-06 Permalink
I’ve been walking on the street at times, just to get physical distance from other pedestrians. I can’t believe how many people are still walking in the MIDDLE of the sidewalk or out in groups of two to three adults, walking side-by-side and taking up the entire sidewalk. How is it possible to be so selfish?