Crisis can mean risk to civil liberties
I’ve disagreed mildly here and on Twitter about the uses of authority during a pandemic, so was interested to see a piece from Giuseppe Valiante (CP) about risks to civil liberties at times like this. (Aussi en français.)
There’s also a lot of misleading and simply fake news including from the highest authority in some places. Rima Elkouri ponders the consequences.
There are two relevant apps I’ve heard of that are recommended. One is the Montreal app, a web app I’ve already mentioned, accessed on The other is the Canada app. I downloaded the Canada app, which tells you it’s going to share anything you tell it with something called Thrive Health. Noped out.
Baru 12:43 on 2020-04-05 Permalink
There’s a lot to say on the repercussions that we’ll be reaping from emergency powers… but just just to take one element which I expect will have wide spread repercussions but will be generally underestimated by the political class will be on the affect on unions. In the US they suspended the NLRB functions, and here too the TAT has suspended a lot of its functions. The gov split off from the collective agreements in healthcare and education and suspended arbitrations. the whole labour peace contract after WWII was based on the ‘work now, grieve later system’ which has been falling apart for a long, long time. there have been internal debates inside organized labour whether to keep playing inside this system or break off from it. this situation shows that its entirely functioning at the convenience of the state and the business community which i cant help but assume will cause a seismic re-alignment of opinion inside the labour movement.