Supremes won’t suspend secularity law
The Supreme Court says it won’t suspend Quebec’s secularity law, still commonly called Bill 21. Court challenges of the law are still to come – it’s merely an interim suspension that’s been ruled out.
The Supreme Court says it won’t suspend Quebec’s secularity law, still commonly called Bill 21. Court challenges of the law are still to come – it’s merely an interim suspension that’s been ruled out.
david190 11:22 on 2020-04-10 Permalink
While some might read the case as indicating which party the court feels is likely to prevail, I wonder how much this played:
“C’est la nature même du régime canadien: il permet de contester les lois québécoises, en vertu d’une Constitution que le Québec n’a pas signée,” a-t-il déploré dans une déclaration transmise à Radio-Canada.
Kevin 12:36 on 2020-04-10 Permalink
I am always amused at diehard separatists who think René Levesque was willing to sign the federal constitution.