Ads coming back for now
Folks, I’m putting the ads back for the moment. At least, the code is back and the ads should populate soon.
I’ve been of two minds about it, but this blog ought to at least be able to pay its own bills, and with the ads, it does.
CE 09:09 on 2020-04-23 Permalink
I’m curious about the ads, do you get paid just for clicks or does an action have to be taken after the click? One thing I like about the ads is that I can funnel small amounts of condo developers’ marketing budgets into your blog.
Kate 09:23 on 2020-04-23 Permalink
CE, it’s not so easy to figure out, because it depends what the advertiser has bid. Some pay for impressions (simply having the ad present and visible), some for clicks.
Dhomas 10:22 on 2020-04-23 Permalink
I’m perfectly fine supporting the blog with ads (I even turned off my Adblocker for this site). You put in a lot of work on this site. It should at the very least pay for itself.
Tee Owe 12:30 on 2020-04-23 Permalink
I’m fine with ads
Kate 14:13 on 2020-04-23 Permalink
Thank you both.
dwgs 17:13 on 2020-04-23 Permalink
Turned off adblocker, I’m okay with putting up with ads but I think they need to work on their algorhythms, all I see ads for are 3 things that I already purchased this month.
Kate 17:22 on 2020-04-23 Permalink
dwgs, I wish I had finer control over what they show, but that’s the kind of algorithmic thinking I’ve seen too, here as everywhere else.
That said, if you or anyone starts seeing ads that are offensive in any sense, please grab a screenshot and let me know. I can rule out specific advertisers.
dwgs 07:24 on 2020-04-24 Permalink
The content of them doesn’t bother me, I was just having a laugh at how two of the companies (MEC and Hockey Supremacy) are pushing me to buy shoes and skates, both of which I already purchased from those two companies recently. Seems like a waste of effort at this point.
JoeNotCharles 17:45 on 2020-04-24 Permalink
If anyone sees ads that they don’t want to see, but isn’t offensive enough to report to Kate, you can block that specific ad with the “X” in the top right corner. (And hopefully the algorithm will learn not to show you similar ads.)
Tim F 10:55 on 2020-04-25 Permalink
I’m fine with ads, but because I use an RSS reader I only see them if I click to see the comments. Did you come to a conclusion about other fundraising? I’d be happy to contribute on Patreon. No pressure but I’d like to do my part.
EmilyG 21:31 on 2020-04-25 Permalink
I keep getting one about earwax. It’s disgusting. I thought I’d hidden that ad, but I guess not. If I see it again, I can try other methods to hide it.
EmilyG 21:33 on 2020-04-25 Permalink
I do think the ads are good in general. I just really don’t like that particular one.
Kate 21:38 on 2020-04-25 Permalink
Nor do I, Emily. I’ll see what I can do.