Victoria Bridge cycle link closed
The Victoria Bridge cycle link to St-Lambert has been closed for the season as it’s been declared unsafe and must be rebuilt.
The Victoria Bridge cycle link to St-Lambert has been closed for the season as it’s been declared unsafe and must be rebuilt.
MarcG 10:45 on 2020-05-30 Permalink
I’ve biked from St-Lambert to Montreal and I’m having a hard time understanding what they’re referring to. There’s a bridge that goes over the 132 to get to the Victoria itself, and then there’s a small concrete bridge that goes over the water, then a bridge at the locks, and then you’re dumped onto the Seaway.
qatzelok 12:08 on 2020-05-30 Permalink
I think it means the movable bridge (raises, lowers) that carries cars and the bike path across the seaway from the Seaway bike path. The entire link there is very low-budget Soviet style, and cracking, so I think maybe a few other pieces of that link need to be upgraded or replaced.
In the meantime, one is forced to confront the architectural spam that is St. Lambert in order to make a proper loop across the river and back.
Tangent: I think the suburbs should erect giant screens along their bike paths and project images of the forests and wetlands that used to be there so cyclists don’t endanger their immunity systems by looking at bungalows and lawns for too long.
Blork 13:05 on 2020-05-30 Permalink
It sounds like they specifically mean the passerelle over the 132, which is pretty old and decrepit. I hope they replace it with something spectacular like the passerelle in Longueuil that was knocked down by a snow truck a few years back. That replacement took almost two years, but that’s mostly because they had to stop and redesign it half way through the job (original plan was deemed to be not up to code or whatever).
The resulting passerelle is basically the greatest passerelle of all time, or at least of all Quebec. Seriously, that passerelle is the best thing about Longueuil.
Here it is in Google:
Look at that in 3D mode if possible.
Here’s a photo of it from the river side:
Come on, Saint Lambert. Can you one-up Longueuil?
Blork 14:38 on 2020-05-30 Permalink
BTW, this is the St-Lambert passerelle: