SPVM promises over discrimination and profiling
I haven’t kept count of the number of times the SPVM has promised to reform its ways in dealing with cultural communities and people of colour, but it’s been a recurring theme since I’ve been doing this blog. Maybe Projet Montréal can push them a little harder than Coderre or Tremblay did – we can only hope so.
Joey 19:25 on 2020-06-05 Permalink
Projet Mtl that abandoned body cams and ten days ago allocated 400K for new assault rifles? Sure.
Kate 21:28 on 2020-06-05 Permalink
Joey, that’s a point, but I’ve never been entirely clear what the relationship is between Quebec, Montreal and the SPVM. I’m fairly sure the city police are not directly answerable to city hall. What Projet can do is focus moral force on the police, at least.
Joey 22:14 on 2020-06-05 Permalink
It could also not buy them new assault rifles.