Plateau seizes bikes locked to trees
Plateau borough is cutting bike locks when bikes are locked to trees or urban furniture. Folks who’ve asked for more bike racks feel betrayed.
Plateau borough is cutting bike locks when bikes are locked to trees or urban furniture. Folks who’ve asked for more bike racks feel betrayed.
DeWolf 10:36 on 2020-06-13 Permalink
Locking a bike to a tree can seriously damage the tree and cause it to die prematurely. But the city really should allow cyclists to legally attach their bikes to parking signs, stop signs, etc. because there are atrociously few bike racks available. Their distribution is super wonky too. Sometimes there will be half a dozen clustered all together and none for several more blocks.
Kate 11:21 on 2020-06-13 Permalink
I agree.
Chris 12:58 on 2020-06-13 Permalink
I agree parking a bike on a tree should not be anyone’s first choice.
But lots of things “can seriously damage trees”. Salting sidewalks, paving all around them, planting them in tiny holes, never watering them, polluting the atmosphere, etc. To say nothing of how many have been cut down to build roads and parking for cars. All that’s fine, but god forbid you attach a bike to one!
You park a car illegally? You get a ticket attached. You park very illegally, you get towed, and you get an app helping you find your car. You park a bike illegally, it’s just stolen by the city.
Ephraim 19:45 on 2020-06-14 Permalink
There is a video of someone taking off the no parking signs and just pulling the bike up. Gone in less than 3 minutes. There is a video of someone just pulling the sign up from the ground and gone in less than 30 seconds.
mare 00:09 on 2020-06-15 Permalink
And I’ve seen a tree being sawn down to liberate a bike.