Moving Day is getting closer, and with it, the surge in rental costs, well beyond inflation or income levels. The city is waiting for calls for help from households that don’t have anywhere to go on July 1.
On Twitter, Jordan Bateman – I don’t know him, but he was cited by someone I do know – called back to the 2018 mass eviction of a Plateau building, including the sad detail (which I also remembered) “After handing over their pets to the SPCA, the tenants boarded a bus headed for a hotel on the eastern tip of the island, far away from their now barricaded home.” He notes that the building is now renting out tiny flats with a murphy bed for $1550 and up a month, headlined on the website “Affordable Quality Living”.
EmilyG 22:04 on 2020-06-28 Permalink
I thought the lack of antibodies thing was much more common in asymptomatic people than those who had symptoms?
At least, I think I read that in an article, but I’ve seen a lot of articles lately and I don’t remember quite where it was.
Ephraim 22:05 on 2020-06-28 Permalink
NYC health suggests glory holes…
mare 22:56 on 2020-06-28 Permalink
The CBC “no antibodies” article has a not so subtle slight of Quebec.
“Some countries such as Sweden and at least one Canadian province have previously suggested that one way to control the spread of COVID-19 is to allow most of the population to get infected in a controlled fashion to generate “herd immunity.”
We won’t name Quebec, but we all know which province we’re talking about, don’t we? The link of course goes to an old article about Quebec.
ant6n 04:49 on 2020-06-29 Permalink
Well “at least one” means there could be more provinces 😉
Kate 09:41 on 2020-06-29 Permalink
mare, you may have become un vrai québécois if you’ve begun to feel it’s a slight to Quebec to simply state a detrimental fact openly in the media.
John S 06:12 on 2020-06-30 Permalink
To follow up, a recent preprint from a group in Sweden has reported robust T cell responses (different from antibodies) in asymptomatic contacts of patients who had COVID. Many of these responders had no antibodies at all. Antibody measurements may not be the best measure of immunity, They’re just easier to do than T cell studies so they have had more press. Immunity post COVID19 exposure may indeed be a reasonable expectation.
JaneyB 14:49 on 2020-06-30 Permalink
@John S – very interesting. It’s hard to stay aware of just how fresh this research is. We’re basically seeing the expert debates in real time and trying to make sense of it with the average person’s limited biology knowledge. I will stay hopeful 🙂