New genre bookstore opens
A new bookstore specializing in genre paperbacks in English and French has just opened. Article says it’s in NDG, but gives no address.
It’s at 5574 Upper Lachine Road, next door to Momesso’s.
A new bookstore specializing in genre paperbacks in English and French has just opened. Article says it’s in NDG, but gives no address.
It’s at 5574 Upper Lachine Road, next door to Momesso’s.
Michael Black 14:08 on 2020-11-18 Permalink
They have a website,
So it seems to be an actual new book bookstore. So much talk.about “independent bookstores” is about used book stores.
But related, “Nearly New Books” in NDG moved to a bigger location across the street in July, and changed its name to Phoenix Books. It’s a used bookstore, and its roots go back over forty years to NDG Paperback.
Kate 19:39 on 2020-11-18 Permalink
There was a time when all I would’ve wanted to do is go there, buy a couple of paperbacks, and then go next door and sit in Momesso’s and read them and drink espresso.
This is not that time.
walkerp 20:49 on 2020-11-18 Permalink
Very cool! It sounds a lot like Bakka Books in Toronto. I will be providing them with my custom. Also, thanks for the note on Phoenix Books. I did not know about them. So few used bookstores left in town, each new discovery is a small miracle. I will also be checking them out in the near future.
Mark Côté 21:28 on 2020-11-18 Permalink
Encore Books is just down the road from Phoenix and is one of my favourite bookstores.
MarcG 12:30 on 2020-11-19 Permalink
Does anyone remember the name of the used book store that used to be near the corner of Girouard and Sherbrooke on the SW side, run by a mother and son, had red, white and blue sign, and moved westward on Sherbrooke some years ago?
Michael Black 12:52 on 2020-11-19 Permalink
That was NDG Paperback. I was first in there abiut 1976 or 77. They were on the upper side of Sherbrooke around Clifton or Regent. It moved around a few times, to near Girouard, and then back to almost the same address near Clifton, though the block had been redeveloped by then. It did eventually change it’s name.
I was unceetain about the continuity,until I read something a couple of years ago.
Then a couple of women bought the store, I think it took me a while before I realized it gad a new owner. So it was “Nearly New Boojs” until July.
In the eighties there was a used bookstore across from the park, but I can’t remember the name.
SW Welch used to be on Sherbrooke across from where Encore is. It was their second location, originally on Decarie, I can’t remember how far up, on the second floor. I think they were there only a couple of years. After Sherbrooke, it was St. lawrence Blvd.
Encore had a second location about Grey for a few years, which had been Diamond Books for decades, uner different owners.
MarcG 13:02 on 2020-11-19 Permalink
Thanks, Michael, it was Nearly New Books that I was trying to remember. I recalled the name being funny, or a play on words of some kind, and after Googling I found an image of the sign which has the French translation as “Presque 9”. Har. They still have an old website up here.