Large park planned for east end of island
Having made moves toward the Grand parc de l’ouest, city hall is now looking eastward and making plans for a Grand Parc de l’Est. There are parklands toward the eastern tip of the island, on both riverfronts, but they’re in disjoint chunks. Acquiring the land to join them up wouldn’t be cheap.
Speaking of parks, the city wanted to create a park at Ste-Catherine and Mackay but the owner of the land fought the expropriation so hard that the city has given up, and a condo tower will go up on that corner.
qatzelok 12:41 on 2020-12-01 Permalink
The Developer, IMMEUBLES PRIME INC., is registered in the Bahamas.
I wonder who the real owners are. Donald Trump or the Bronfmans?
DeWolf 13:41 on 2020-12-01 Permalink
Any green space created on that site would have been very small – more of a plaza than anything else. I think the problem with that area isn’t a lack of green space, it’s a lack of accessible green space. The CCA has a nice big lawn in front of it, as well as the large sculpture garden across René-Lévesque. The Grey Nuns grounds are basically a park, but it isn’t obvious that it’s open to the public. Maybe there needs to be some kind of campaign to promote the publicly accessible green space that already exists.
Faiz imam 22:22 on 2020-12-01 Permalink
Are you sure grey nuns is open to the public? I used to have classes there, and I remember there were scary signs saying how the grounds were for residents only, No tresspassing, etc.
david42 02:34 on 2020-12-03 Permalink
Smaller time Montreal people, nothing to do with the Bronfmans or whatever. A great victory against the city, which at one point just said “hey, final offer, then we go to court.”