City unveils climate plan
Mayor Plante has unveiled the city’s plan to reduce carbon emissions by more than half by 2030. Reduction in solo car use and the planting of thousands of trees are envisioned. Official city page.
Mayor Plante has unveiled the city’s plan to reduce carbon emissions by more than half by 2030. Reduction in solo car use and the planting of thousands of trees are envisioned. Official city page.
M 15:10 on 2020-12-10 Permalink
I’m surprised the city hasn’t made green-roofs mandatory for any new construction over a certain size, as they have in Toronto…Incentivizing greener parking lots are good, though. Too many are big ugly eyesores.
Kate 18:38 on 2020-12-10 Permalink
Maybe that’s something they want boroughs to do individually, since there’s a lot of variation in the built environment among them.
Bert 18:48 on 2020-12-10 Permalink
I there was a certain size threshold, I would venture that developers will design to fit just under the size required and perhaps creatively so.
Chris 12:00 on 2020-12-11 Permalink
M: I forget if it’s City-wide or only some boroughs, but white-roofs are now mandatory.
Kate 13:20 on 2020-12-11 Permalink
I recall Rosemont borough decreeing white roofs but would have to dig for other info on this.
dhomas 00:53 on 2020-12-12 Permalink
For Rosemont:
It has to be green, white, or reflective.
More boroughs:
I redid my roof in 2014. It wasn’t yet mandatory to have a white roof, but it was a difference of 600$ (of a total of $14k) so I went ahead and did it. I assume once it’s mandatory in my borough, the price will go up.