Covid: are we at half time?
Jonathan Montpetit, always worth reading, writes about the progress of Covid in Quebec and how it may be a year before a return to something approaching normality. Toula Drimonis cited another writer on Twitter calling this moment half time.
The magic number is to get 70% of the population vaccinated, which will take time. Tuesday it was reported that only 40% of the staff at Maimonides are willing to be vaccinated – and these are people who’ve seen the ravages of Covid close up.
JaneyB 13:24 on 2020-12-16 Permalink
I was just listening to a podcast on the subject and that expert was suggesting that it might take only 45% of vaccinated/previously infected to get to herd immunity. So there does seem to be debate about the magic number. A few weeks from now, after we hear about any new side effects, I think more people will join in. We’ll get there.
Tee Owe 17:42 on 2020-12-16 Permalink
Wherever ‘there’ is – meant in a friendly way