Éric Salvail found not guilty
In an echo of Gilbert Rozon’s acquittal earlier this week, TV vedette Éric Salvail has also been found not guilty of sex related charges from incidents decades ago. A deputy chief prosecutor warns against seeing these acquittals as signifying the judiciary is taking a harder line against accusers in sexual assault cases.
Brett 18:07 on 2020-12-18 Permalink
The metoo mouvement is collapsing like a house of cards
MarcG 18:28 on 2020-12-18 Permalink
Hi Brett. That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard all day, thanks!
Blork 19:03 on 2020-12-18 Permalink
Both of these cases were pretty hard to try, as they both involved incidents that went back decades and essentially boiled down to “he said/she said” (or in the case of Salvail, “he said/he said”). Cases like that are essentially unwinnable.
It’s worth noting that both of these characters are now widely known to be creeps and predators, and both of their careers are in the toilet, likely permanently. So if the prosecution went into these cases knowing they are unwinnable but with the objective of exposing these guys for who they are and taking them out of the industry, then both trials were a success.
Jack 19:13 on 2020-12-18 Permalink
I hope your right but Rozon already was convicted of sexual assault in 1998.
GC 19:26 on 2020-12-18 Permalink
Some of these cases might not even have come to trial, pre-metoo.
steph 21:12 on 2020-12-18 Permalink
These cases making it to trial is a step forward. There’s still progress to come, and these judiciary defeats should not be taken as a loss.
Kate 00:17 on 2020-12-19 Permalink
Stéphane Giroux of CTV tweeted just now: “Je passe beaucoup de temps au palais de justice. Des condamnations pour agressions sexuelles, il y en a plusieurs fois par semaine. C’est juste qu’ils ne sont pas des vedettes.”