Website pushes local products
Le Devoir tells us about Cercle Local, a website built to promote local businesses in the Plateau and Mile End. You can’t buy through the site – it functions as a kind of shop window – but you can arrange to have things delivered locally by bike.
Pity there’s nothing about any plan to add other neighbourhoods to the site.
Updated: Reader CharlesQ tells us about, his project for putting locally made products online.
CharlesQ 15:13 on 2020-12-20 Permalink
I started about a month ago, it indexes products made locally and you can search by location and distance. It’s just a personal project so it’s just a basic site.
GC 15:15 on 2020-12-20 Permalink
Hi Kate, I saw this article about Cercle Local in Le Devoir as well. I’m afraid you are missing the point and concept of their company. The reason why they do not sell the products on their website is because they want to redirect customers to the merchants website directly, which I think is a good thing. Our local businesses wholeheartedly need all the support they can get right now, what they do not need is this type of ignorant criticism. I guess you also did not read the article until the very end because the co-founder clearly stated that he has plans to add more neighborhoods to their site.
It’s a pity that you critic good initiatives, especially during these difficult times.
CharlesQ 15:18 on 2020-12-20 Permalink
@GC that’s an overly sensitive comment considering Kate is only stating facts, not critiquing.
CharlesQ 15:20 on 2020-12-20 Permalink
I’m not sure what is the limit of the neighbourhoods on their site. Etat de style which is on Duluth near St-Denis but it’s listed as in the Mile-End but Argent tonic, which is on Laurier near St-Urbain, is not listed in the Mile-End but on the Plateau.
It doesn’t make much of a difference though.
Janet 17:29 on 2020-12-20 Permalink
I’d go so far as to say it is an insensitive comment. Kate is devoting a great deal of her time to running this site for our benefit and there is no need to attack her like that. Given the aggressive tone, I wonder if GC is one of our trolls.
Kate 18:48 on 2020-12-20 Permalink
GC, I was only restating a fact about the site. It doesn’t handle the commercial exchange directly. I was simply summarizing what the article said.
If I hadn’t thought it was a good idea, I wouldn’t’ve even posted about it. As I said, my only regret was no mention of possible expansion to other neighbourhoods (since I don’t live in the Plateau or Mile End myself, which my readers would tend to know).
Thanks for your defense, CharlesQ and Janet!
Also please note: I have a regular commenter called GC. The comment in this thread did not come from him.