The demographic woes of the city
Mario Girard ponders the demographic woes of the city as more people leave than arrive, but does Montreal have a problem that isn’t plaguing other cities? Toronto has also seen population loss through 2020, and the Globe and Mail compared their situations this week. New York has also seen a decline in numbers.
DeWolf 13:27 on 2021-01-15 Permalink
You’re exactly right. This isn’t just Montreal’s problem. In fact, it’s not even a new phenomenon, it’s just that in most years the outflow of people is balanced out by immigration – and in 2020 there were virtually no new immigrants admitted to Canada. I’d be curious to know when was the last time Montreal’s population growth was fuelled by interregional/provincial migration rather than international migration. 1960?
su 19:27 on 2021-01-15 Permalink
In 1980 there were 1 million less people living in Montreal, and I don’t recall anyone complaining about how underpopulated the city was .
Tim 22:31 on 2021-01-15 Permalink
The Globe article states clearly that the city continues to grow based on “international migration” , so no, the city population is not actually decreasing.
Kate 09:57 on 2021-01-16 Permalink
Maybe, Tim, but immigration was way down in 2020. The CAQ wanted to cut immigration levels, but Covid went well beyond anything they had dreamed of.