Critics on the Club de Foot snowflake
Radio-Canada solicited opinions from four experts on the logo for the rebranded Club de Foot Montréal. As a logo for a summertime sport, a snowflake seemed an odd choice, they said.
And in French, the pejorative use of the word snowflake would not even apply.
Chris 20:08 on 2021-01-16 Permalink
Let’s go snowflakes! Let’s go snowflakes! 🙂 I can imagine the taunting chants now… 🙂
Matthew H 00:22 on 2021-01-17 Permalink
It is not a good logo. It is not even a good snowflake – snowflakes have 6 points, not 8.
Kevin 09:55 on 2021-01-17 Permalink
I would have rotated it 45 degrees—because it’s a soccer ball, not a snowflake.
js 16:57 on 2021-01-17 Permalink
Am I the only person with a dirty mind?
Kate 19:51 on 2021-01-17 Permalink
js, you are not the first person I know online to make this suggestion.
Michael Black 20:15 on 2021-01-17 Permalink
If we’re talking logos, the new gmail logo looks a lot like the MMFA logo. Though I’ve not checked to see if the colors are the same.