Woman recounts trafficking experience
A woman from Halifax recounts a terrible experience from 2016 of coming to Montreal, getting roofied in a bar, and finding herself at the mercy of pimps who repeatedly drugged her. “The first thing police asked her about was her sexual history, and whether she usually went home with strange men.” No rape kit was used at the Montreal General either. Have things improved for victims in the ensuing five years?
DeWolf 14:16 on 2021-02-01 Permalink
The woman in the story says she was never contacted again by the SPVM, and the police and MUHC both refuse to comment on the story due to “privacy” reasons. That’s obviously a lame excuse to cover their asses, so it makes me wonder – would the victim herself be able to file a FOI request to understand the details of her case?
Meezly 15:01 on 2021-02-01 Permalink
That is a horrifying account. More horrifying was the lack of response and professionalism from both Montreal police and hospital. And she was a white woman. I wonder if being an anglo visitor was part of it? Doubtful if things have improved much. She could probably seek legal recourse of some kind but again, this would be a time consuming, let alone traumatic, process.
Surprising there isn’t much coverage of her story. And not much about human trafficking in N.S. though apparently the gov’t is throwing money at ‘combatting the problem’.
There is something very Lynchian about Nova Scotia.
Tim 21:08 on 2021-02-01 Permalink
How many other people have been abused by these criminals in the past 5 years? I hope some of the local media outlets pick up this story. The police and hospital conduct was shameful.
Raymond Lutz 22:33 on 2021-02-01 Permalink
“There is something very Lynchian about Nova Scotia.” My thin cinematographic culture fails me: I can’t namedrop a director more on the gore side rereading reports on the Portapique shooting…
22 people dead, spread over 13 hours… Covid plays funny tricks to my time perception: it was less than a year ago! Among other fuckery, the RCMP waited 31 minutes after the first 911 calls to warn people… with A TWITTER POST! Oh, and the Macleans reported this case has hallmarks of an undercover operation gone wrong… Coen Brothers? Tarantino?
ant6n 06:48 on 2021-02-02 Permalink
Horrible story. Makes you wonder how many women have been raped and then murdered using drugs, but the official cause of death is just overdose.
qatzelok 10:39 on 2021-02-02 Permalink
Lynchian = almost 100% suburban
Meezly 11:00 on 2021-02-02 Permalink
I only visited Nova Scotia as a tourist and found it so lovely and friendly. But how the shooting happened and the accounts of human trafficking – it’s real, but also unreal.
It’s not just the portrayal of violence and gore, it’s more about revealing the layers of evil and insanity that lurks beneath the bucolic veneer of a community.
qatzelok 19:02 on 2021-02-02 Permalink
the bucolic veneer of a community = lawns