Fentanyl seized at airport
A lot of fentanyl was seized at the airport last month, and a traveller coming from Germany arrested by Canada border services.
Even so, many dangerous drugs are on the streets. Services that support addicts are seeing more overdoses from the injection of drugs of unknown strength and quality by desperate users. This CTV story is a good one, being mostly an interview with François Mary, who runs Cactus Montreal and tries to keep police away from his sites.
Raymond Lutz 12:20 on 2021-03-06 Permalink
The opioid crisis? It “turned out pretty well” for the Slacker family too! (owners of Purdue pharma). They were giving a 14 000 USD bonus to sale representatives for each overdose case on their territory (following advices from the McKinsey management consulting firm). 450 000 deaths. The Promotion and Marketing of OxyContin: Commercial Triumph, Public Health Tragedy. OK, this is my last comment about “turning out well” 🙂
qatzelok 12:55 on 2021-03-06 Permalink
“Get in the Swing With OxyContin”
(From the link above, a marketing campaign slogan from Purdue’s many sales conferences)
Dominic 13:24 on 2021-03-06 Permalink
It’s time to decriminalize and legalized all drugs in Canada.
dhomas 02:01 on 2021-03-07 Permalink
Holy shit! “Get in the Swing With OxyContin” was actually a marketing tool used by Purdue. I thought it might have been qatzelok exaggerating.