Covid: Montrealers favour caution
La Presse informally asked Montreal readers whether they favour the Legault government keeping Montreal as a Covid red zone, and found that a majority supports his decision.
La Presse informally asked Montreal readers whether they favour the Legault government keeping Montreal as a Covid red zone, and found that a majority supports his decision.
Ephraim 12:07 on 2021-03-07 Permalink
I would like some numbers, trends, something associated with the decision, so we know when we get out of the red zone and when the curfew can change.
Ant6n 15:31 on 2021-03-07 Permalink
How bout making rules that make sense.
Like nobody’s allowed to visit anybody at home, but you can go to restaurants.
Ephraim 16:16 on 2021-03-07 Permalink
And if you want to go to a restaurant in an orange zone, you have to have ID showing that you are local? So, if I move to St Louis de Ha Ha, I can’t eat at a restaurant until I’m a resident?
Blork 23:10 on 2021-03-07 Permalink
Thing is, “making sense” is highly subjective. For people living in smaller communities that don’t have many restaurants or for working-class people who don’t have a lot of money to spare, it “makes sense” to visit your old sister/cousin/uncle/doppelgänger/nemesis/evil twin (etc.) at home, over a cup of tea, instead of having to cross town and go to a restaurant.
Blork 23:11 on 2021-03-07 Permalink
(I’m not saying people should do that; just commenting on the subjective nature of what makes sense.)
Ant6n 06:59 on 2021-03-08 Permalink
Blork, I think we’re saying the same thing. Individual Visits at home make more sense than gathering in restaurants, but that’s not the rule in Quebec. Which doesn’t make sense from a pandemic containment perspective. For the caq, psych health is less important than the economy.
Take out from restaurants would be a reasonable compromise. Limiting instead of forbidding the number of personal interactions would be as well.