Developer challenges city over housing
The developer of the huge Children’s Hospital condo site is taking the city to court because it wants to break a promise it made to Denis Coderre in 2017 to include units of social housing.
The developer of the huge Children’s Hospital condo site is taking the city to court because it wants to break a promise it made to Denis Coderre in 2017 to include units of social housing.
MarcG 10:58 on 2021-04-01 Permalink
This script is getting pretty tired
steph 11:16 on 2021-04-01 Permalink
Can we make sure the penalty is punitive? for One Billion dollars I’d leave them off the hook.
Tim 11:38 on 2021-04-01 Permalink
If I understand correctly (and I might not because I miss subtleties in French), the original contract said that the developer could drop the social housing for a payment of 6 million dollars. Last year when they tried to do the payout, the city changed the maximum height of the building from 20 stories to 4 (or did the city decline a request to add 4 stories to the building?). Now there is a lawsuit to resolve this.
How much housing does 6 million dollars buy these days? I’m guessing that they should have asked for more money in the original contract or simply excluded the ability to drop the social housing.
su 11:52 on 2021-04-01 Permalink
I so miss the days when Montreal was a “Mafia” town, and we could live on the cheap pursuing our own creative ventures and grassroots cultural activities undeterred by the current cost of housing . RIP Montreal.
MarcG 12:03 on 2021-04-01 Permalink
Free idea: build a seperatist movement around the concept that it will bring housing costs down. Vive le Québec libre et peu cher!
Ephraim 18:14 on 2021-04-01 Permalink
It’s time to add two new classifications to properties. Unoccupied properties, residential and commercial should have a higher tax rate and that money can go to social housing. And a second, second home, which again have a higher tax rate. The same should be true of STR properties. If it is not the primary residence of someone… tax it higher and put that money towards social housing. The STRs are taking their tax as a cost and deducting it from their income tax anyway… might as well capture something for the city.