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  • Kate 20:35 on 2021-04-03 Permalink | Reply  

    A march was held Saturday afternoon in memory of Rebekah Harry and against domestic abuse generally, this following another demo on Friday on the same theme. Eight women have been murdered in eight weeks in Quebec, all apparently by their domestic partners.

    • Kate 15:50 on 2021-04-03 Permalink | Reply  

      Le Devoir has a special feature on walking up the Main from one river to the other, mostly with a concern about the language spoken in businesses along the street. Also video clips, numbers on the fragility of French and the issue of small independent businesses having trouble always being able to give service in French.

      This is part of their week-long series on language called Devoirs de français.

      • Jack 12:32 on 2021-04-04 Permalink

        That Le Devoir piece is really good. I hope someone at Quebecor reads the last 4 paragraphs of that article.

      • DeWolf 22:21 on 2021-04-04 Permalink

        It’s a really thoughtful, considerate piece. And I agree with Jack – the last bit makes an important point that is refreshing to see in a newspaper like Le Devoir.

      • Uatu 12:13 on 2021-04-05 Permalink

        I’ve felt like that my entire life. There was a point where I really wanted to integrate and listened to french music and watched french TV, but it doesn’t matter because there’s always jerks who’ll remind you that you don’t belong. I think parizeau blaming people who looked like me for ruining their chance for a new country was the point where I quit trying to please everyone by trying to fit in. I speak French and respect the need to preserve it, but I’ll watch and read and listen to whatever I want. If you don’t like it, screw it. And the French guy who failed his french exam only makes my point that it’s almost impossible to please these self appointed arbiters of QC Franco culture and language

    • Kate 10:19 on 2021-04-03 Permalink | Reply  

      The hospitals that were going to hire untrained workers for their operating rooms have decided not to do that after all.

      • dmdiem 11:57 on 2021-04-03 Permalink

        The mushrooms probably wore off.

      • SMD 14:17 on 2021-04-03 Permalink

        “Pierre-David Gagné, assistant chief nurse of night surgery at the MRH, said 15 of his colleagues have already indicated — by signing their names to a list posted in the staff room after that morning meeting — that they are planning to quit because of the pilot project.” (https://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/strapped-hospitals-plan-to-hire-unskilled-workers-to-replace-or-nurses)

        Good for them. You don’t win if you don’t put up a fight.

      • Meezly 14:31 on 2021-04-03 Permalink

        And meanwhile, the CAQ won’t agree to a contract that meets what healthcare workers consider fair wages and working conditions. Wouldn’t they want to properly pay the ones who are willing to stay with their jobs??

      • steph 16:31 on 2021-04-03 Permalink

        I imagine this another step in how you privatize health care.

      • Kate 10:23 on 2021-04-04 Permalink

        steph, private clinics have been doing surgeries for the public side for awhile already, and Quebec plans for them to do more. The argument that this reduces waiting lists has some validity, but it also moves a lot of public funds into private hands.

    • Kate 10:17 on 2021-04-03 Permalink | Reply  

      François Legault is selling his posh Outremont house, and the Gazette gives it the full real estate treatment with photos of the rooms and features.

      One reason given for the sale is that the premier needs less space because his sons no longer live with him: the question whether they still did was raised in February by Paul St-Pierre Plamondon, who accused Legault of breaking household bubble rules by socializing with them. Legault riposted that it was OK because both boys lived with him, so either they’ve been given their marching orders within the last few weeks, or Legault was telling a convenient fib. They’re aged 27 and 28.

      Jacques Villeneuve has finally sold his mansion in Westmount. It’s a rather grim-faced brick façade but no doubt cushy enough inside.

      • Ephraim 10:28 on 2021-04-03 Permalink

      • Proposmontreal-Martin 11:04 on 2021-04-03 Permalink

        This sentence on the Villeneuve story proves the quality of journalism of TVA.

        L’acheteur, dont la clinique dit être débordée actuellement, se spécialise dans les augmentations mammaires et des fesses (les Brazilian butt lifts), entre autres.

        Why did they think that this was necessary to the story?

      • Kate 11:08 on 2021-04-03 Permalink

        Well, it caught your eye : )

      • ProposMontreal-Martin 11:12 on 2021-04-03 Permalink

        @Kate ok, well yes, you got me, but it got my attention for the wrong reasons

      • dwgs 12:15 on 2021-04-03 Permalink

        Because it was titillating???

      • Poutine Pundit 12:24 on 2021-04-03 Permalink

        Note the leopard-print carpet in Legault’s home theatre. It’s in the Gazette piece but that photo has since been removed from the Remax listing.

      • Kate 12:30 on 2021-04-04 Permalink

        Very stylish!

      • ant6n 14:58 on 2021-04-04 Permalink

        Thats a great location for a giant masion. Wit the REM itll be like 10-15 minutes from downtown.

        …Although I don`t think like a rich person, who´d get like chauffeured around or something.

      • JaneyB 18:10 on 2021-04-04 Permalink

        The AssNat is in Quebec city and Legault has been living in Mtl? He must have another place near work with a shorter commute as well, I assume.

      • Kate 18:43 on 2021-04-04 Permalink

        The Gazette says Legault & fam have been living in that house since 1998, which is also the year he was first elected (as a member of the PQ at the time). So he’s been commuting to Quebec City for some years.

        Legault is a West Island boy. I did a bit of his family tree to try to verify whether he has indigenous ancestry, as he has claimed, and found that he comes from several generations in the Ste-Anne de Bellevue area and was born there himself. In some sense, a Montrealer. I wasn’t able to determine whether anyone in the tree was indigenous, but it didn’t look like it for the 4 or 5 generations I worked out. French Canadian, one line of possibly German ancestry, but no apparently native names.

      • GC 20:45 on 2021-04-04 Permalink

        I feel the same way, ant6n. I look at big houses and think “ugh, all that cleaning”…as if I’d be cleaning it myself when I could afford it. And, yeah, can’t help but think of how accessible the metro would be…

    • Kate 09:55 on 2021-04-03 Permalink | Reply  

      Following recent news of the case of UQÀM vs. the scantily clad student, more students are stripping down by way of protest, with the university logo visible in the picture.

      • Ephraim 10:38 on 2021-04-03 Permalink

        I want to be first to call it… misandry and racism! Shouldn’t there be men and people of colour?

      • PatrickC 15:18 on 2021-04-03 Permalink

        The student says “Je trouve ça powerful”. Shouldn’t UQAM be suing her for a French fail?

      • Ant6n 19:56 on 2021-04-04 Permalink

        Okay boomer

    • Kate 06:33 on 2021-04-03 Permalink | Reply  

      A large theft of industrial material in a Mexican facility is interrupting production of Azur trains in Quebec and causing temporary layoffs of Alstom workers in La Pocatière.

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