New mayoral candidate: Nothing but French
A new mayoral candidate is making it his big idea that the city should only offer services in French. “Cette règle d’offrir des services bilingues, tout le temps, sera corrigée.” Ooh, correct me, baby.
A new mayoral candidate is making it his big idea that the city should only offer services in French. “Cette règle d’offrir des services bilingues, tout le temps, sera corrigée.” Ooh, correct me, baby.
Montreal Poster 13:27 on 2021-04-12 Permalink
Kevin 14:11 on 2021-04-12 Permalink
What a maroon. -Some wascally wabbit
MarcG 15:26 on 2021-04-12 Permalink
Infoman did a funny bit on this guy since he ran last time (“et il avait terminé la course en 4e position, tout juste derrière le monsieur du Cinéma Dollar”). I could only find a Facebook link for the video.
Jack 15:34 on 2021-04-12 Permalink
This reinforcement of Law 101 and the fear tropes that have built this nationalist narratives find a terrific echo here.
This Profesor of Political Science at U de M feels that the English speaking community needs a shave.
I think some of his proposals really require a look.
My personal favorite, ” Il est vital de protéger le territoire des migrations interprovinciales, particulièrement l’Outaouais et Montréal. “
Kevin 19:33 on 2021-04-12 Permalink
I feel that people like him somehow missed that Bill 101 was deliberately a violation of human rights and was supposed to be struck down in court to prove that Canada didn’t work for francophones.
qatzelok 20:22 on 2021-04-12 Permalink
“Warning: Denis Coderre video pops up”