Feds may force longshoremen to work
The port longshoremen, planning a general strike to start Monday, may be forced back to work by the federal government.
The port longshoremen, planning a general strike to start Monday, may be forced back to work by the federal government.
steph 21:38 on 2021-04-25 Permalink
I’m never going to understand how the government can force workers back to work. Buisness is buisness, even essential services.
Kate 22:28 on 2021-04-25 Permalink
They can fine the union, I think. I don’t know whether they can fine the individual members.
su 07:16 on 2021-04-26 Permalink
There is a huge restructuring and expansion of our port going on, and hence alot of effects on port workers. https://canadiansailings.ca/port-of-montreal-building-for-the-future-major-projects-moving-forward-at-a-rapid-pace/
Lots more international goodies will be passing through and hence lots of work schedule adjustments are underway.
Kate 09:17 on 2021-04-26 Permalink
Thank you, su. Very good info.