How Montreal has dodged the third wave
CBC looks at how Montreal public health has so far enabled the city to avoid the worst of the third wave of Covid.
CBC looks at how Montreal public health has so far enabled the city to avoid the worst of the third wave of Covid.
Tim S. 08:14 on 2021-04-29 Permalink
Throughout the crisis I’ve had the impression that Montreal public health has been more on the ball than their Quebec and Federal counterparts. All credit to them. That said, it’s just pure luck that the gym superspreader event happened in Quebec City and gave us time to close up again.
Also, having just finished an article, bylined March 1, about how people in India may have greater immunity to COVID, I feel like CBC jinxed us.
Meezly 09:20 on 2021-04-29 Permalink
Interesting they were careful to only credit the public health officials, not the CAQ. Is it possible that the politicians are finally listening more to medical experts?
@Tim, yes I think that gym ended up unintentionally helping the rest of the province by forcing everything to close again!
mare 09:45 on 2021-04-29 Permalink
Avoided for now.
We don’t have the P1 variant circulating yet, which has a longer incubation time before symptoms show up, is more contagious and can be more severe in younger people. It might already be there, but people that have it get tested later, so it shows up later too.
(I have family who are medical specialists in Vancouver, and they told me it is a totally new disease, with different symptoms and outcome.)
walkerp 10:39 on 2021-04-29 Permalink
I don’t think the gym outbreak being in Quebec City is entirely a function of chance. That region votes conservative, tends to lean right which correlates with individualism and covid skepticism. We have our share of covidiots in Montreal, but I believe the proportion is higher in the capital region and thus you have a greater chance of an ignorant, arrogant gym owner and clients.
Raymond Lutz 11:49 on 2021-04-29 Permalink
J’abonde dans le même sens que walkerp, Québec est une ville principalement de morons, ceci explique l”inexpugnable popularité du “putois des ondes”… Non, pas Jeff Filion mais André Arthur, “un fervent fédéraliste, non pas du fait d’un attachement particulier au Canada, mais plutôt parce qu’il croit que l’indépendance entraînerait une augmentation du socialisme au Québec.” (Wikipedia) Dire qu’il est né en Turquie! Oh, et la principale radio de la région était (est encore?) covidosceptique.