Park Ex vaccine clinic a success
Popup vaccine clinics in Park Ex have been a success. The observation is made here that the bad Covid news from India may be one reason people from that part of the world have been motivated to go. The imam of the mosque where a clinic was held says that since the vaccine is not nourishment, getting it doesn’t break the Ramadan fast, and the issue of it being halal doesn’t arise.
Urbania went to Park Ex and has a two-part look at how the area is changing.
Raymond Lutz 10:27 on 2021-05-05 Permalink
Well, I think it’s all useless (although I got my AZ shot). New variants (against which the current vaccines will be greatly less effective) are gonna pop up on a regular basis from nations whose neoliberal sociopath leaders (Modi and Bolsonaro) transformed their captive population into giant Petri dishes.
Big pharmas know this and are salivating at the potential multi-year inpouring cashflow… that’s why they (and Bil Gates) are against the intellectual property waiver for covid vaccine patents.
This is a gem from FT: “As industry lobbying has escalated in Washington, companies have warned in private meetings with US trade and White House officials that giving up the intellectual property rights could allow China and Russia to exploit platforms such as mRNA, which could be used for other vaccines or even therapeutics for conditions such as cancer and heart problems in the future.”
OMG! Russia and China could cure cancer and heart problems, we must stop them! [puking]
Kevin 11:05 on 2021-05-05 Permalink
Raymond Lutz
There is very little money in virus and vaccine research. That’s why so many companies shut down or greatly scaled back their research in this field over the past 15 years.
I mean, there’s a reason that so many Biochem and Pharma companies no longer exist in Montreal…
Raymond Lutz 11:52 on 2021-05-05 Permalink
For greedy people, 24 billions is a lot of money, even if vaccines are only 3% of total global drug market. source. Shure, profit margins are greater with Oxycontin…
Kevin 12:51 on 2021-05-05 Permalink
And yeah, Pfizer is getting about 1/3 of its revenue this year from the covid vaccine — but that’s a very unusual blip. Moderna is expected to break even for the first time ever because it’s charging a significant sum per dose. AstraZeneca lost money developing and selling its vaccine.