Quebec to communicate only in French
No more Mr. Nice Guy. In future, Quebec will communicate only in French with companies and other governments, which will be banned from communicating with Quebec in English.
Recovery from a pandemic is a key time to undertake a change that has the potential to cause economic damage. It’s sheer brilliance.
Ephraim 19:23 on 2021-05-06 Permalink
The contract with the CRA in regards to GST requires service in English. If an agent of RQ refuses, call the CRA or Quebec’s ombudsman.
Bryan 22:18 on 2021-05-06 Permalink
I wonder, too, if this is more political messaging than any substantive change. The inclusion of the phrase “établies au Québec” seems oddly specific. For example, does being a federally incorporated business (as many small businesses here are) mean that you can still request communication in English?
Mark Côté 13:06 on 2021-05-07 Permalink
Some clarifications were apparently given that (from that CTV article linked above) companies can still talk to to the government in English, but they will only get French replies: “Later Thursday, spokesperson Paul-Jean Charest said that in fact, the province will read documents in English, but it just won’t write them.
Uatu 13:46 on 2021-05-07 Permalink
Big deal. Just use Google translate and get on with the rest of the day. 😛