First woman motorcycle cop
It’s hard to believe that the SPVM named its first ever female motorcycle cop as late as 2021. The service itself calls her a femme agent motard. I thought “motard” was reserved for motorcycle-based bad guys, but I guess not.
Chris 11:48 on 2021-05-15 Permalink
Wait, I thought cops were the bad guys, no? Maybe it’s some kind of irony. 🙂
Bert 13:16 on 2021-05-15 Permalink
Nah, the term Motard is also used, ironically, on SPVM cars.
Kevin 13:38 on 2021-05-15 Permalink
I was called a motard yesterday by another fellow also carrying his helmet. We waved, as tradition dictates.
Kate 07:43 on 2021-05-16 Permalink
I was thinking of the word chauffard which does have a pejorative implication. Plus usually when “motard” turns up in the news, it’s gangs.
Also there’s the French suffix -ard for which the dictionary gives several meanings but the first is “Donne une note péjorative” e.g. clochard, chauffard, salopard and so on.