Language to feature in election

If you’d told me during the last municipal election that language would be one of the hot potatoes in 2021, I don’t think I’d’ve believed you, but it’s shaping up that way. Le Devoir has an op-ed Tuesday from Hadrien Parizeau, grandson of the sainted Jacques, pushing the city to do lots more to promote French.

The thing is this: it does already. Everything the city does is in French. All its communications, all its activities, are in French. Unfortunately where this tends to go is subtracting anything done in English (or other languages) to make it even more perfectly, piously, prodigiously French.

Valérie Plante has always been aware of having other communities in her city, speaking English and many other languages, and it being sometimes important to communicate with them in their language, especially during a pandemic. She knows she’s a mayor for everybody.

The comedy here is that Denis Coderre – federalist, at least by his track record – may be allowing his followers to paint him into a perfect little French-only corner.

In tangentially related news, Justin Trudeau says Quebec is absolutely allowed to unilaterally modify the Canadian constitution.

Update: Some additional thoughts on belonging in Quebec from Émilie Nicolas and on Bill 96 from Toula Drimonis.