Heat wave warnings handed down
With temperatures notching above 30°C the usual heat wave warnings are posted to stay hydrated and not overexert yourself.
TVA inevitably claims 40° in the headline but explains in the text that this is the humidex. I wish they wouldn’t do that.
The wave should subside with rain on Wednesday.
Ephraim 21:51 on 2021-06-06 Permalink
We got an automated call from city. Did others?
Kate 07:52 on 2021-06-07 Permalink
Not on my cell, Ephraim. Was yours on a landline?
Ephraim 09:09 on 2021-06-07 Permalink
Yes, but we are also the property owners. I want to get rid of the landline, but the alarm company insist on it.
Kate 09:53 on 2021-06-07 Permalink
Yeah, that’s how alarms work. You can’t have them rely on a device that might be taken out of the area or run out of battery power.
dhomas 14:04 on 2021-06-07 Permalink
Most home alarm system will also use a battery backup so that someone cutting the power doesn’t prevent the alarm from tripping, and THEN using the land line to call the central. The battery is usually just trickle charging while you do have power.
That said, I switched to a self-monitored solution (with no land line) and haven’t paid a monthly fee since. My insurance company even still gives me a discount because of my alarm system, even though it’s self-monitored.
dhomas 14:06 on 2021-06-07 Permalink
Oh, and I didn’t receive any alert calls from the city on my cell phone nor on my pseudo-landline (connected via VoIP).
CE 14:58 on 2021-06-07 Permalink
Do insurance companies require alarm systems to buy a policy? I’ve never had an alarm system but I’ve also never owned a home.
Joey 15:10 on 2021-06-07 Permalink
@CE they don’t but they will apply a discount on the premium if you have one (typically not enough to cover the full cost of the alarm system, IIRC).
Ephraim 17:10 on 2021-06-07 Permalink
@CE – Depends on the policy, but I deal with guests. I need a connection to the fire department. I hardly ever use the one on the house. Though, we went on vacation once and someone tried (unsuccessfully) to get in. I’m very fire cautious. I just replaced all of my 10 year lithium battery smoke detectors. They are all relayed, so if one goes off, the all go off. I have one in the central area that is relayed to the fire department.