Bill 96 will weaken rights, some say

The CAQ’s Bill 96 cuts so many holes in charters of rights that it basically lays out a whole new definition of what Quebec is within Canada, and what residents’ rights are vis-à-vis the government. Its undercutting of federal rights is so extreme that residents of Quebec will be less Canadian than everyone in the ROC, and its definition of a Quebec “nation” verges on dubious. Anyway, this is what a report by the the Quebec Community Groups Network is saying. They also feel that the tendency is to exclude many from being defined as a Quebecer.

In tangentially related CAQ news, some parents are suddenly feeling their lack of voice in education since the abolition of school boards, a pet CAQ project, and the direct control of schools by government. Here’s a spot where the anglo community was right. Clearly the boards needed reforms, but unless you’re anglo, now they’re gone.

And in the “this is not The Beaverton or Le Revoir” news, Quebec will create a network of museums devoted to celebrating Québécois culture and history. Millions of dollars are planned for this legacy project.