Updates from September, 2021 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Kate 23:33 on 2021-09-02 Permalink | Reply  

    It seems like a joke for the downtown REM to be sent into a tunnel for half a kilometer, between Robert-Bourassa and Jeanne-Mance.

    • Kevin 10:58 on 2021-09-03 Permalink

      The more I think about this, the more I am convinced that someone at the Caisse and at the top level of the provincial government despises Montreal.

      I am having great difficulty imagining any other province where a third party could walk into a city and say “Hey, you know your major thoroughfare? We’re going to permanently shut that down to install something that nobody is asking for but it’s going to make us a lot of money, and you’re going to have to pay for it.”

    • qatzelok 11:01 on 2021-09-03 Permalink

      I used to wonder how the Parc-Pine highway interchange ever got approved. I think I understand how this happened now. Money can’t understand anything that gets in the way of more money.

      The ugly and dysfunctional Pine-Parc highway interchange was just a way to sell more cars and oil. And this elevated skytrain that cuts through downtown is just a way to sell suburban real estate.

      Money can’t understand why ugliness and dysfunction should be allowed to stop more money from flowing.

  • Kate 23:31 on 2021-09-02 Permalink | Reply  

    Jeannette Zacarias Zapata, the boxer injured in the ring here last weekend, has died. Although only 18, Zapata was married, and was with her husband at the end.

    • Kate 15:35 on 2021-09-02 Permalink | Reply  

      A fisherman drowned off Nuns’ Island on Thursday. His body has been pulled out of the river by the rescue service.

      • Kate 15:12 on 2021-09-02 Permalink | Reply  

        Here’s an excellent Twitter recap of the student protest Wednesday at McGill in favour of a vaccine mandate and better pandemic accommodations. The Gazette covered the general story a couple of days ago, also mentioning that Concordia doesn’t have a vaccine mandate either, although other universities in Canada have done so.

        As far as I can see, neither UQÀM nor the UdeM have made vaccination a requirement either.

        • Kate 11:13 on 2021-09-02 Permalink | Reply  

          Public health is bracing for a new surge in cases of Covid.

          There were 699 new cases over the last 24 hours.

          • jeather 12:12 on 2021-09-02 Permalink

            Good thing we need a vaccine passport for everything except all retail stores, malls (except the food court), hair stylists, massage therapists, other spa treatments, etc.

          • Bert 12:54 on 2021-09-02 Permalink

            You don’t need a passport if you don’t go out! Just saying.

          • DeWolf 13:58 on 2021-09-02 Permalink

            The passport is required for activities and environments where people are unmasked, like eating in a restaurant or drinking in a bar. Retail stores, hair salons, museums etc. are places where masks are required at all times. Have there been any outbreaks linked to these masked environments?

          • jeather 15:43 on 2021-09-02 Permalink

            I feel a lot more at risk in a hair salon or massage parlor or a driving lesson than at an amusement park or bowling alley.

          • Mark Côté 16:04 on 2021-09-02 Permalink

            Almost all outbreaks come from work, school, and daycare (over 80% of current outbreaks in Quebec) according to Santé Quebec. “Autres établissements”, which I imagine encompasses everything from hair salons to bars to museums, account for only 4% (“activités and évènements” is another 11%, but I assume that doesn’t include regular patronizing of restaurants and such).

          • MarcG 16:47 on 2021-09-02 Permalink

            What constitutes an outbreak? How are they traced? I doubt the government is organized enough to know that someone got covid from the person next to them at the hair salon.

          • walkerp 17:02 on 2021-09-02 Permalink

            I don’t know the details, but my understanding is that the contract tracing in Montreal is quite sophisticated and one of the reasons we were able to tamp down the wave (I’ve lost count) in January. So I think they do have a pretty good idea where people are catching covid.

          • DeWolf 18:20 on 2021-09-02 Permalink

            It’s not the government that tracks outbreaks, MarcG, it’s Santé Montréal.

          • MarcG 20:02 on 2021-09-02 Permalink

            Isn’t Santé Montréal a government agency? And all of this data comes from them? https://www.quebec.ca/en/health/health-issues/a-z/2019-coronavirus/situation-coronavirus-in-quebec#c75434

          • MarcG 20:31 on 2021-09-02 Permalink

            Anyway, my point was that it seems like a very difficult thing to track especially considering that you can have covid and be asymptomatic (and therefore probably not get tested).

          • Mark Côté 12:17 on 2021-09-03 Permalink

            It’s definitely hard, but this is the only data we have. I’m no statistician but I figure even if some outbreaks are missed, it’s probably roughly indicative of how the virus is spreading…

            Also the group that monitors outbreaks has been doing this for 20 years.

        • Kate 10:15 on 2021-09-02 Permalink | Reply  

          Sébastien Simon, who stabbed a young gas station worker to death in 2006, has been denied escorted outings for the third time.

          • Kate 10:10 on 2021-09-02 Permalink | Reply  

            The city is doubling its budget for activities intended to engage young people and tempt them away from gangs and trouble.

            • Kate 09:09 on 2021-09-02 Permalink | Reply  

              The city’s first participatory budget has resulted in seven projects moving forward. The process wasn’t a wide open suggestion box: the city proposed 35 ideas and participants could vote for the ones they liked most.

            • Kate 08:53 on 2021-09-02 Permalink | Reply  

              As is becoming routine, shots were fired overnight with no victims found, this time in Pierrefonds.

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