Updates from September, 2021 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Kate 17:11 on 2021-09-04 Permalink | Reply  

    Patches for Blue Lives Matter have been spotted on some SPVM police. In theory, police are not meant to alter their uniforms at all, but the rule seems to be blurry, going by this piece.

    If police can’t show a symbol indicating their religious belief, is it OK for them to show support for a U.S. movement that came into existence to counter (and shout down) the Black Lives Matter movement?

    • EmilyG 12:40 on 2021-09-05 Permalink

      Blue Lives Matter is notoriously racist and bigoted, which isn’t even thinly-disguised.

    • Raymond Lutz 18:01 on 2021-09-05 Permalink

      In another news: “Présidentielle (France 2022) : 44 % des policiers et militaires prêts à voter pour Marine Le Pen au premier tour”

  • Kate 11:18 on 2021-09-04 Permalink | Reply  

    Health minister Christian Dubé wrote an open letter (actually, a Facebook post*) on Friday warning us that we have to learn to live with Covid.

    There has been some confusion about school rules, and some are demanding that CEGEPs be honest about their positive case reports. University instructors mostly want more flexibility in their choice whether to teach remotely or in person.

    And the flu has started to return after being away for a year.

    *I tried to link to the Facebook post but the link is full of rubbish. It’s on Dubé’s feed.

    • MarcG 17:26 on 2021-09-04 Permalink

      It seems like you forgot to close the HTML tag for the small font – the page contents following it are also now small.

    • Kate 17:58 on 2021-09-04 Permalink

      It’s cute! OK, I will close the tag.

    • JaneyB 19:42 on 2021-09-04 Permalink

      Herd immunity might be impossible now but technically more and more of the anti-vaxxers will die so it will become increasingly possible to raise the vaccination rate. It’s too bad they gum up the system as they go because the normal, pro-social people people need health services and they should get them.

    • Chris 00:43 on 2021-09-05 Permalink

      JaneyB, case fatality rate in Canada is only 1.8%, covid just won’t kill very many of the anti-vaxers you so hate.

    • Kate 08:59 on 2021-09-05 Permalink

      Hate is a harsh word, Chris, please don’t fling it around in this blog. JaneyB has written nothing that comes close to meriting that description.

      I am totally on JaneyB’s side on this matter, besides.

    • j2 11:15 on 2021-09-05 Permalink

      Ask those 4776 people in the sidebar how they feel about anti-vaxxers.

  • Kate 11:15 on 2021-09-04 Permalink | Reply  

    The pandemic has meant a year and a half of discipline, and suddenly lots of people have paid down their debts and saved money. This is terrible! How can we kickstart capitalism by making people spend like sailors again?

    • Kate 11:05 on 2021-09-04 Permalink | Reply  

      A Laval story, but the Journal got some good photos: somehow a large truck, apparently not hauling a trailer, fell off an overpass in Laval. Amazingly, it didn’t fall on any other vehicle, and the driver walked away, but obviously questions are going to be asked.

      • qatzelok 12:04 on 2021-09-04 Permalink

        The pix that accompany the article evoke the suburban vibe of most of Laval.

    • Kate 10:29 on 2021-09-04 Permalink | Reply  

      Public consultations will begin next week on the future of the old Royal Vic building. McGill wants a part of it, a collective research centre may occupy some of the buildings, and there are those who will be watching to make sure the external elements of the site remain accessible to the public, as part of Mount Royal.

      The future of Mount Royal itself is becoming a campaign issue with Denis Coderre wanting to abolish the old rule against building taller than the mountain, and others wanting to keep it.

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