Advance polls are open (federal)

I voted Saturday in an advance poll, and you should know that the advance polls are also open Sunday and Monday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Information about your advance poll is printed on the back of the election card you should have received.

Saturday, I was the only voter in the place, and the bored poll workers all perked up when I sashayed in.

I mostly chose to go this weekend because my advance poll is in a more accessible location than the main one, held in the sprawling brutalist high school around the corner, which has about a dozen doors to the street but no main entrance, and you always have to walk around the whole building puzzling out how to get inside.

Yes, there were plexiglas barriers, individual pencils, and much hand sanitizing. I’m all for effective pandemic measures, but don’t we understand by now that vaccination, masks and distancing are effective, whereas sanitizing hands is virtually pointless?

Adding later: The last time I trained to work in an election, about four years ago, they spent quite a lot of time on the rules concerning women in niqab. If I recall correctly, we were to have a woman scrutineer take the voter aside and verify her identity with a quick peek. But it never came up. Not a single voter came in wearing niqab.

When I voted yesterday they didn’t even ask me to lift my Covid mask to check my face against my ID.