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  • Kate 09:47 on 2021-09-19 Permalink | Reply  

    Quebecers strongly support mandatory vaccination of health workers according to a new Léger poll.

    There have been three Covid outbreaks at St Mary’s Hospital.

    Public health is asking post-secondary schools to help with contact tracing although potential contacts aren’t even being asked to isolate any more, but rather to “monitor for symptoms” as if we haven’t all been doing that already for a year and a half, and we know that asymptomatic cases can still transmit the disease.

    The Lakeshore General has closed two operating rooms because their ICU is crowded with Covid patients. Hospital ICUs are filling up with younger patients than were typical of the first few waves. Most of them are unvaccinated, or not fully vaccinated.

    One story that’s been percolating through our news media is the ongoing coroner’s inquest into the 47 deaths at CHSLD Herron. The accounts are all very distressing and depressing, so I have not followed them here, but when they wrap up I will do a summary post.

    • Jeff 10:48 on 2021-09-19 Permalink


    • Kate 10:50 on 2021-09-19 Permalink

      What for?

    • mare 11:22 on 2021-09-19 Permalink

      Now require first responders to be vaccinated too. Or actually, expand the mandatory vaccination to all people who are paid with our taxes. Freedom of choice stops when your choices affect other people’s freedoms.

      And get rid of this weird exception for mandatory vaccination for hospital staff who doesn’t come into contact with patients longer than 15 minutes. They’ll get Covid in the break room, or when they meet other staff in enclosed spaces. Which according to my medical specialist family members has been the main source of hospital outbreaks during all of the pandemic. During contact with patients they all wear PPE, but in the cafetaria the masks and gloves are literally off.)

    • Uatu 11:27 on 2021-09-19 Permalink

      That’s true. The coworkers I know that got covid got it from family outside of work and not at the hospital

    • Ephraim 12:07 on 2021-09-19 Permalink

      On the 17th, this tweet https://twitter.com/SylvainLacroi13/status/1439253863513657348 clearly shows that unvaccinated are 10x are likely to get COVID, 3.7% of those end up in hospital and 33% of those end up in ICU. For the vaccinated 3.1% of those end in hospital and 25.4% of those end up in ICU, which is a third less. The green and blue lines show that the percentage protection offered by the vaccine gets lower over time, but if that is related to the protection or the increased exposure isn’t clear to me. The data in Israel shows that a third booster offers 4X the protection. (Since these aren’t my stats, I’m not vouching for them, but they don’t seem unusual.)

    • DeWolf 18:23 on 2021-09-19 Permalink

      Mare, all of those people are covered by the mandate. The full list is here and it includes first responders. Even kitchen staff and admin at hospitals who have no contact with the public are required to get vaccinated.


      “Les intervenants qui devront se conformer à cette exigence peuvent être à l’emploi du réseau de la santé et des services sociaux, par exemple les préposés aux bénéficiaires, les services auxiliaires et métiers, le personnel de bureau, les techniciens et professionnels de l’administration, les techniciens et professionnels de la santé et des services sociaux, y compris le personnel en soins infirmiers et les médecins, les stagiaires et le personnel d’encadrement.

      Les bénévoles et le personnel des milieux de vie, les techniciens ambulanciers, les chirurgiens-dentistes, les spécialistes en chirurgie buccale et maxillo-faciale et les optométristes œuvrant dans un établissement seront aussi visés par la vaccination obligatoire.”

    • mare 19:18 on 2021-09-19 Permalink

      @DeWolf Thanks! I listened to the press conference were they announced these measures, and the measures were very limited, probably because they expected a lot of blowback from the unions. That apparently didn’t happen and they have been expanded. That’s great, and sorry for spreading misinformation. I should have followed the topic.

    • denpanosekai 20:28 on 2021-09-19 Permalink

      Oh man, I was at St Mary’s Friday PM…

    • Jeff 18:57 on 2021-09-20 Permalink

      @Kate, You’re doing a lot of work here and I appreciate it

    • Kate 23:42 on 2021-09-20 Permalink

      Cheers, Jeff!

  • Kate 09:25 on 2021-09-19 Permalink | Reply  

    The anglo group QCGN is holding parallel hearings on Bill 96, and Radio-Canada has quite a detailed piece on anglo responses to the bill’s extension of the Charter of the French Language, and its reliance on the notwithstanding clause.

    The dean of McGill’s Faculty of Law, Robert Leckey, is quoted: “The extensive use of the notwithstanding (or notwithstanding) clause signals that there is no room for human rights to clash with the will of the majority, which is deeply disturbing.” Leckey also notes that the law contravenes not only the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, but also Quebec’s own Charter of Rights and Freedoms, adopted in 1975.

    Details, details. It will pass, just as Bill 21 did – of course. The CAQ is deeply in tune with the id of Quebec. Even the young caquistes think François Legault’s evocation of Maurice Duplessis is nothing to be ashamed of.

    I can hardly wait to see what the CAQ comes up with after they win their second overwhelming majority in 2022, and I look forward to the era of Premier Jolin-Barrette.

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