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  • Kate 12:30 on 2021-11-05 Permalink | Reply  

    A cyclist injured by a collision with a car in Lachine died this week six days after the incident. Coda says it’s the fourth cycling fatality this year on Montreal streets.

    • Kate 12:22 on 2021-11-05 Permalink | Reply  

      It’s going to cost Quebec $1 million weekly to test unvaccinated health care workers three times per week. Why these folks are not being docked to cover the cost I do not know.

      Update: Quebec now says it will suspend unvaccinated health care workers who refuse to be tested. Which raises two immediate questions: why on earth would someone in the health care field refuse to even be tested? A test doesn’t introduce foreign material into your body and can’t affect you in any way.

      And – will Quebec actually do this? Or will it threaten to do so, then back off when it sees how many actual boneheaded idiots are staffing our health care facilities?

      • dhomas 20:42 on 2021-11-05 Permalink

        I suppose they can take it from the bonus those workers will be forfeiting by not getting vaccinated. Then again, I’m pretty sure not very many people will actually see those bonuses, given all the rules around then. The less publicized stipulations of the bonus deal, according to a nurse friend: no vacation for one year; no sick days; no tardiness; no parental leave. Un cadeau empoisonné…

      • azrhey 23:03 on 2021-11-05 Permalink

        it’s not no vacation no sick days no tardiness not leave…it is that that tie isn’t included in the bonus, so you get docked proportionally for the time off you too. at least thats what my peeps at ciusss de l’est told me

      • dhomas 07:41 on 2021-11-06 Permalink

        Thanks, azrhey. I’ll check with my nurse friend. She may have misunderstood the rules.

    • Kate 08:14 on 2021-11-05 Permalink | Reply  

      Craig Sauvé has left Projet Montréal following the revelation of an accusation of sexual aggression made nine years ago. Denis Coderre is calling Valérie Plante’s choice not to mention the matter a “cover-up” but was she really obliged to publicize an accusation from before Sauvé joined Projet and which police felt did not warrant charges?

      • Spi 09:49 on 2021-11-05 Permalink

        Coderre would argue that her saying no when asked (if the reporting is accurate and she would have been aware at the time of the question being asked) is the cover up part.

      • Kate 09:57 on 2021-11-05 Permalink

        I understand that, but was it? The alleged incident had taken place years before and had been privately settled between two individuals. Had Plante talked about it, it would’ve been more on the order of gossip. It’s not part of her role to blab about personal difficulties faced by her party members unless they involve legal charges or other matters of public record.

      • Mr.Chinaski 10:18 on 2021-11-05 Permalink

        Coderre is trying to dig up anything in a lost cause so that the media spins it in the last 24 hour news cycle before the saturday papers.

        Thank God we won’t suffer him for 4 years…

      • qatzelok 11:12 on 2021-11-05 Permalink

        Easy to have smears manufactured against opponents when you have at least eight interested corporations backing you.

    • Kate 08:09 on 2021-11-05 Permalink | Reply  

      The bodies of a man and a woman were found in a Mile End apartment early Friday. Whether it’s a double murder, or a murder-suicide, is under investigation.

      I’ll update the homicide count and map when more details emerge.

      At 3:30, CBC Radio tells me that the man is the son of the owner of Fairmount Bagel, and that St‑Urbain Street is still closed off. The apartment in the story is at St‑Urbain and Fairmount. La Presse says police say it looks like a murder-suicide.

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