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  • Kate 16:01 on 2021-11-16 Permalink | Reply  

    La Presse looked into the killing of Thomas Trudel, the teenager gunned down in St‑Michel on Sunday evening on his way home after hanging out in a park with some friends. As far as it goes, it doesn’t seem like the 16‑year‑old had shady associates, and the theory is floated that he was killed in error. There have been no arrests.

    Mayor Plante promised that the motive for the shooting would be figured out and also vowed to put more pressure on Ottawa over guns.

    Update: Toula Drimonis points out that the police view that Thomas Trudel can’t have been in a gang is, in itself, a form of institutional racism. Trudel was white.

    Another update: François Legault is wringing his hands over Trudel’s death in a way he notably didn’t over Jannai Dopwell-Bailey’s. It’s also an opportunity for Legault and Geneviève Guilbault to blame Ottawa for guns being trafficked into Quebec.

    Footnote: That link to Legault saying “je ne reconnais pas Montréal” remains the same but now points to another story. QMI also has a je ne reconnais pas piece.

    • Jebediah Pallendrome 17:26 on 2021-11-17 Permalink

      Papa Doc Frank Lego and Je ne Vive Gullible would like to insist the Guerre des Motards never happened.

  • Kate 15:39 on 2021-11-16 Permalink | Reply  

    Four years ago, the owner of the Chez Cora chain was kidnapped and held for ransom, but freed after a short time. Now a franchisee of the chain is on trial, accused of planning the inept abduction.

    • Kate 12:33 on 2021-11-16 Permalink | Reply  

      Ensemble’s Aref Salem has been named interim head of the opposition – as much as this role formally exists – at city hall, although three years is a long time to be interim.

      Nothing yet about removing “Équipe Denis Coderre” from the party name.

      Also, although a recount was requested in CDN-NDG, naming an interim chief now seems to suggest the party has tacitly accepted Lionel Perez’s defeat in that borough. Incidentally, the Ensemble statement that it has reasonable premises to think errors were made in the CDN‑NDG count has more than a whiff of Trump‑style electoral bullying about it.

      La Presse has a nice profile of CDN‑NDG mayor Gracia Kasoki Katahwa Tuesday. She is the first Black mayor of any Montreal borough, and is only 35 years old.

      • Kate 10:50 on 2021-11-16 Permalink | Reply  

        Some students at Lasalle High were told to lower their pants during a search for vaping paraphernalia recently. (The text here says “asked” but when you’re a student and the principal tells you to do something, it’s not a request, it’s an order.)

        Although the school board claims it has the right, surely they must know this doesn’t look good.

        CTV doesn’t mention a 2015 incident in which a Quebec City student was strip-searched. The Liberal education minister of the day, Yves Bolduc, defended the procedure, saying it was acceptable if done respectfully, which provoked a storm of protest and ended Bolduc’s political career. Quebec later promised that strip-searching students would no longer be permitted.

        • walkerp 16:21 on 2021-11-16 Permalink

          This is one of the reasons being a teacher sucks so badly. You get caught up in the pressure of the rules and students behaving badly and it pushes you to cross certain boundaries that you would never do in any other situation. This situation will stain everyone involved, on the inside as much as the outside.

        • dwgs 10:07 on 2021-11-17 Permalink

          Then stay true to your moral convictions and don’t cross those boundaries. One of the VP’s at a downtown EMSB school used to walk around the neighbourhood for a radius of several blocks at lunch hour looking for students vaping. If he found any they would be suspended, didn’t matter how far off school property they were. Kids also got suspended for getting into fights at house parties on the weekends or even on summer vacation. It’s ridiculous what we have become.

        • Ian 20:25 on 2021-11-17 Permalink

          In my experience as a former student and now parent, Principals sometimes but VPs in particular are often power tripping morons. As a teacher, somehow I have made it thus far without forcing my students to strip. I can’t even imagine the koolaid swallowing required to think that was OK on any level.

          There definitely are certain types, especially in administration, that just like bossing kids around. Sometimes they like it so much it moves into the criminal. Like any other kind of child predator they need to be rooted out and kept away from kids.

      • Kate 10:38 on 2021-11-16 Permalink | Reply  

        In a case dating back more than 20 years, Pierre Karl Péladeau and his brother Érik have to pay their sister Anne-Marie more than $9 million in addition to the $36 million she already received from their father’s estate.

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