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  • Kate 19:21 on 2022-06-02 Permalink | Reply  

    Some private high schools in town are offering a grade 12 which would allow students to deke around the Bill 96 requirements and go directly to university. Costs a pretty penny though.

    Update: Quebec is planning to block this loophole.

    • Tim S. 07:50 on 2022-06-03 Permalink

      I don’t understand this on the English side. There will be plenty of space for anglo CEGEP students in the near future, and if for 20,000$ a year you aren’t getting good enough French teaching to get you through three courses, well…As I keep saying, the biggest losers from Bill 96 are francophones who hope to have some kind of career beyond Quebec.

    • denpanosekai 08:25 on 2022-06-03 Permalink

      Right on Tim S., right on…

    • mare 08:32 on 2022-06-03 Permalink

      @Tim S.
      Some, and maybe quite a lot, of the students at English private school are francophone kids, with affluent parents that choose for immersion because they know their kids can’t learn English in 6 months.
      (I have no numbers on this, but I’ve met at least some of them.)

    • Tim S. 14:38 on 2022-06-03 Permalink

      @mare – I thought they closed that loophole? Unless it’s one of those ongoing games of regulatory whack-a-mole.

    • Kate 15:20 on 2022-06-03 Permalink

      You can always assume that people with enough money can pay for their kids to evade rules that are burdensome for most.

    • Uatu 15:42 on 2022-06-03 Permalink

      Some students know exactly what they want to do and consider cegep a waste of time. I knew classmates who just did the first year of cegep and then left for university in Ontario. In those cases this is a good option and those kids were heading towards business, med and science careers etc so it was good for them to just get on with what they wanted to study

    • jeather 17:10 on 2022-06-03 Permalink

      It isn’t like you save time, if you did 12+4 year undergrad vs 2 year DEC plus 3 year undergrad.

    • Uatu 18:13 on 2022-06-03 Permalink

      Yeah but for the kids I knew they didn’t want to sit thru the cegep core courses: humanities, Phys Ed, English etc. These kids were really A-types who just wanted to get on with it. And also I suspect they just wanted to leave Quebec and start partying away from Mom and Dad at Queen’s or Western…

    • Kevin 19:11 on 2022-06-03 Permalink

      Every person I have ever met who misses the point of life didn’t understand humanities courses

    • jeather 20:31 on 2022-06-03 Permalink

      I think most people who did LCC grade 12 (lo those many years ago) left Canada because grade 12 was easier to explain than cegep. But most American schools have distribution requirements too, though not often gym class, so I don’t think they’re saving much there either. And at 18 you couldn’t yet drink in Ontario! (Or the US. Legally.)

  • Kate 19:17 on 2022-06-02 Permalink | Reply  

    Shortcomings in practice at the Montreal Children’s have been noted in a report by the Quebec ombudsman. The hospital says it has already acted on the criticisms.

    • Kate 17:06 on 2022-06-02 Permalink | Reply  

      The only local entity I’ve noticed doing anything special for the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth is the Atwater Library, which has put up an exhibit and has held a small writing contest.

      I submitted a piece of poetry but never heard back.

      • Blork 17:48 on 2022-06-02 Permalink

        OMG the typography on that PDF is hard to look at!

      • Kate 18:10 on 2022-06-02 Permalink

        It’s a pretty standard Microsoft Word with Times New Roman look.

      • SMD 00:36 on 2022-06-03 Permalink

        I happened to be there! The winning poem is surprisingly anticolonial, and quite good.

      • Blork 10:16 on 2022-06-03 Permalink

        @Kate, that’s not what I’m seeing. I’m seeing a non-serif font with literally the worst kerning I’ve ever seen. Screenshot: https://www.blork.org/pix/atwater-pdf.png

      • MarcG 10:43 on 2022-06-03 Permalink

        @Blork, is it opening in your browser or in a PDF application? I imagine it’s your browser trying to be smart and choking on it. Try downloading the file and opening it with Acrobat.

      • Joey 10:43 on 2022-06-03 Permalink

        @Blork trouble’s on your end. Here’s what it looks like: https://imgur.com/a/KeFlWrF

      • EmilyG 11:53 on 2022-06-03 Permalink

        Is there a place where we can see the winning poem?

      • Kate 12:24 on 2022-06-03 Permalink

        EmilyG, I think you need to drop by the library. All I can tell you is it wasn’t mine. I think they would have told me.

      • Afreina 12:46 on 2022-06-03 Permalink

        The exhibit is really good. I didn’t expect it to be so elaborate and on two floors. My poem won – tbh I was not expecting it to. I can’t attach an image of the poem here but will try to paste it here when I can.

        Thank you @SMD 🙂

      • H. John 23:50 on 2022-06-04 Permalink

        Kate & Afreina, if you could paste your poems I’d appreciate it.

        But no guarantee I’ll pass them on to Paddington Bear (if you watched the Party from the Palace you understand).

      • Kate 15:37 on 2022-06-05 Permalink

        EIIR, a poem

        Elizabeth, scion of twits,
        Is a woman of average wits,
        Yet she grappled with fate
        And has grown to be great,
        As all the world over admits.

    • Kate 08:37 on 2022-06-02 Permalink | Reply  

      Traffic will be disrupted by the Tour la Nuit and Tour de l’Île this weekend.

      • Meezly 13:34 on 2022-06-02 Permalink

        And they will love the disruption! ha haha! June 3 will also be World Bicycle Day.

      • Daniel D 14:46 on 2022-06-02 Permalink

        I just took a leisurely Bixi ride during my lunch break, and came across a construction worker directing cars onto a segregated cycle lane to avoid a road blockage. Just enough space between the poles for SUVs to squeeze in between.

        Sounds fair cyclists should get to take over the city for one weekend a year.

      • Ian 16:18 on 2022-06-02 Permalink

        I’m getting a dishwasher, washer, and dryer delivered on the 4th and a large furniture delivery on the 3rd. Neither offered a “delivery by bicycle” option, surprisingly. That said I doubt the deliveries will be impacted by the routes. I only mention this so that everyone all full of glee that cars and SUVS will be inconvenienced remembers to get all their deliveries rescheduled if necessary. Coming up to moving season there are a lot of people with big trucks every weekend, I hope nobody scheduled their move for this one.

        I noticed that all the bike paths in Fletcher’s Field are getting resurfaced today. I hope they are sufficiently cured fro this weekend’s festivities, it seems poorly timed. Still it’s nice to see the bike paths get resurfaced in the park, it’s been ages.

      • dhomas 18:06 on 2022-06-02 Permalink

        Road closures at night? Sounds like a real traffic nightmare! I’ll see myself out..

      • Meezly 09:55 on 2022-06-03 Permalink

        The construction along Parc Jeanne-Mance is probably why one of the starting points will be at Parc LaFontaine this year.

      • Kate 15:13 on 2022-06-03 Permalink

        The last time I did Tour de l’Île we started on the street beside Lafontaine.

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