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  • Kate 22:50 on 2022-06-10 Permalink | Reply  

    A 16-year-old already well known to police was shot on a Villeray street on Friday evening.

    • Kate 21:03 on 2022-06-10 Permalink | Reply  

      Quebec is putting another $35 million into festivals and tourism over the next three years.

      • Jebediah Pallendrome 22:06 on 2022-06-10 Permalink

        Because if there’s one thing that the private sector can’t do right in Quebec, it’s festivals and tourism.

      • DeWolf 11:25 on 2022-06-11 Permalink

        Huh? These public subsidies are the only reason why the festivals have so much free programming. I can’t think of another city in the world where for almost the entire summer, you can choose from hundreds of concerts and other performances, entirely free, right in the heart of the city. If it was 100% private, it would be 100% ticketed.

    • Kate 21:00 on 2022-06-10 Permalink | Reply  

      In what’s becoming almost a routine report, bullets were flying in Rivière‑des‑Prairies on Friday afternoon.

      • Kate 20:59 on 2022-06-10 Permalink | Reply  

        Radio-Canada says four members of a youth gang were arrested Thursday and two will face charges. CTV and La Presse slightly inflate the interest in the story with headlines saying a dozen youths were arrested, but they’re adding together the four from the first story with another group of eight kids rounded up for bullying in a high school.

        • Kate 12:14 on 2022-06-10 Permalink | Reply  

          The Olympic park has had to cancel swimming and diving lessons this summer because there aren’t enough lifeguards, a problem that’s affecting pools and beaches all over town.

          • JaneyB 17:53 on 2022-06-10 Permalink

            There’s no such thing as labour shortages, only shortages at the current pay rate. Supply-and-demand works for labour as well as for consumer items. I do not understand this common handwringing plaint.

          • mare 18:58 on 2022-06-10 Permalink

            Pay rate is one issue, but there are other. Filling unskilled labour positions is hard, because most people *are* skilled. And a lot of job openings are for skilled people with experience, who are also hard to find, however much you pay them (when union contracts even allow that). It requires that the jobs in your sector are interesting enough for people to *become* skilled by choosing to study for them and get experience by doing internships or apprenticeships. It requires an investment of the candidates and employers are competing with other sectors that *also* have a lot of open positions and are considered, for example, more interesting, easier to learn, have more regular hours or are not as hard on your body.

          • nau 22:33 on 2022-06-10 Permalink

            To be a lifeguard, you have to take specific courses. A lot of those courses didn’t happen during the pandemic, so a cohort of potential lifeguards has likely been lost. Which is not to say that like many jobs, lifeguarding couldn’t be better paying.

        • Kate 12:11 on 2022-06-10 Permalink | Reply  

          Some residents of St-Léonard are not pleased with the borough’s blanket ban on walking dogs in its parks, even on leash, and are trying to change it.

          • Thomas 12:24 on 2022-06-10 Permalink

            Meanwhile, in Westmount, every park is a de-facto off-leash dog park. L’île de Montréal : terre de contrastes

          • jeleventybillionandone 16:17 on 2022-06-10 Permalink

            I am pretty sure Outremont has this ban too. I am surprised about Westmount though.

          • Paul 14:12 on 2022-06-13 Permalink

            I can’t see the logic of making parks off-limits for walking dogs (on-leash). These types of policies do not seem to be based on any sort of research nor do they provide any sort of tangible benefit to the general population.

        • Kate 08:28 on 2022-06-10 Permalink | Reply  

          Various traffic troubles are signalled for the weekend.

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