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  • Kate 19:04 on 2022-06-15 Permalink | Reply  

    Metro is not known for satire, so I can only assume that this report that Denis Coderre has a new job persuading Quebec to build social housing is factually true. The article goes on to say that Coderre’s also doing a job connected with fresh water and water treatment (the explanation is a bit vague) but in this role he’ll also have to do some persuasion of the Quebec government.

    I don’t recall Coderre having a stellar record persuading Quebec to do anything, but if he can get any social housing built, more power to him.

    • Kate 18:21 on 2022-06-15 Permalink | Reply  

      Good sense, or NIMBYism? A majority of Griffintown residents have rejected giving permission for a residential project that needed a derogation for breaking zoning on setback and height.

      • DeWolf 19:03 on 2022-06-15 Permalink

        What a monster! Eight storeys tall! And it preserves an entire block of historic buildings!


      • Spi 20:17 on 2022-06-15 Permalink

        A majority of Griffintown residents? A little over a 100 people showed up to vote and I’d be willing to wager that the vast majority of those who voted against this project live in the Arbora building right behind this proposal, which itself is 8 stories high.

        Ridiculous Nimby’ism I hope the developer comes back with a project that doesn’t require any change in zonage but that’s hideously ugly.

      • Kate 20:53 on 2022-06-15 Permalink

        When there’s this kind of referendum, Spi, it’s only people at addresses very close to the site in question that are eligible to vote. Given that, I think they had a good turnout.

      • Em 09:03 on 2022-06-16 Permalink

        I’ve said it before, but I don’t think there’s much public tolerance for developers who ask for exceptions to zoning rules, or city administrations who use said rules as a negotiating tactic rather than an actual limit.

        And I get it. If the height limits are too low, why not have a discussion on raising them? If there needs to be more rules to ensure green space and amenities, put them in.

        People don’t have faith that the developers and city officials who negotiate these exceptions are doing it in their best interest, and with good reason. It feels too much like the developers are trying to bypass rules put in place to protect the neighbourhood. I understand there’s an argument for flexibility, but there’s also an argument for a consistent framework that applies to all, and public opinion seems firmly in the latter camp.

        City officials should listen, and stop wasting everyone’s time.

      • Jim 09:05 on 2022-06-16 Permalink

        I have nothing against a building where it is needed. I looked at the rendered image and in my opinion, it is a bad-looking block of concrete on top of the old facades. Design by committee I guess. Uninspiring and downright ugly you envision how it would look in thirty years (which is not that long)

      • Blork 11:47 on 2022-06-16 Permalink

        As far as the aesthetics are concerned, it pretty much fits in with the new look of that neighbourhood, and is possibly nicer than most. (If that were a rendering from a project in Sweden we’d all be cooing and saying “why can’t we have buildings like that?”)

        OTOH, nothing could be worse that this horror just around the corner:


        I mean WTactualF? How can it even be legal to build something so ugly?

      • Kate 20:18 on 2022-06-16 Permalink

        That’s a residence for the École de technologie supérieur, isn’t it? Looks like a prison, though.

    • Kate 11:54 on 2022-06-15 Permalink | Reply  

      Covid cases are rising again in Quebec and 18 deaths are noted over the last 24 hours.

      • Kate 08:22 on 2022-06-15 Permalink | Reply  

        The Louis-Hippolyte-La Fontaine tunnel will be completely closed this weekend – Grand Prix weekend. Not sure why this matters but some folks are irked by it.

        Update: The tunnel closure has been cancelled, both the Grand Prix and Fathers Day being cited as reasons why.

        • Blork 10:45 on 2022-06-15 Permalink

          I imagine it’s because the Jacques-Cartier tends to be busy on GP weekend with all the cars coming and going from that event, so closing the tunnel sends even more traffic onto the PJC, thereby causing the proverbial “traffic nightmare.”

        • Mr.Chinaski 13:15 on 2022-06-15 Permalink

          Especially more this year, the on-track schedule is really late in the afternoon. Friday the F1s are on-track 17-18h00 during rush hour!!

      • Kate 08:18 on 2022-06-15 Permalink | Reply  

        The Museum of Fine Arts has added a collection of Sikh art to its Arts of One World wing

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