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  • Kate 19:43 on 2022-06-26 Permalink | Reply  

    A rally was held Sunday at the Palais de Justice to express support to Americans appalled by the reversal of Roe v. Wade.

    • H. John 00:24 on 2022-06-27 Permalink

      The Palais de Justice seems an odd choice as a location.

      Quebec’s Charter of Rights guaranteed women’s rights when it was first passed in the 1970’s.

      With one caveat.

      At the back of the legislation, it included an article that the protection would not apply to economic benefits for some protected groups, until certain conditions were met.

      For example, you couldn’t pay people differently, or provide other benefits, because of race, but you could because of gender, being pregnant, or sexual orientation.

      Over the next twenty years, two committees set up by the Quebec Human Rights Commission asked for the blatant discrimination to be ended.

      Neither the PQ or the PLQ governments that received those reports. chose to do so.

      It was only with the Michael Hendricks/René Leboeuf case for same sex marriage rights, and a complaint from female professors at McGill that their pensions were less than male professors (McGill argued that women live longer) that Quebec reacted.

      Both cases based their arguments on rights protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights which can override Quebec’s Charter.

      Because of the two cases, the limiting provision was removed in the last 1990’s.

      More than 20 years, and if you weren’t a member of a group being discriminated against (e.g. a same-sex common law couple seeking the same employment benefits as other common-law couples), you wouldn’t’ have seen it in any newspaper.

      And. given our current Minster of Justice, we genuinely don’t have anything to teach other countries about respecting rights.

    • Kate 09:34 on 2022-06-27 Permalink

      I tend to agree about the protest location but am not sure what I’d have proposed as an alternative.

    • Ephraim 11:39 on 2022-06-27 Permalink

      Ever wonder why so many abortion clinics in Canada have a price list when it’s free for Canadians? 🙂
      The Canadian government should make mifegymiso a non-prescription medication (the way that insulin is) and allow Canadian pharmacies to dispense to the US without prescription. Maybe find another usage for taking this anit-hormone pill, like menopause treatment, so it’s not specifically for abortion and allow them to get the medication from Canada, where the states can’t prosecute… and send it inside a copy of Margaret Attwood’s Handmaid’s Tale book, just for the irony of it.

    • Kate 12:20 on 2022-06-27 Permalink

      Ephraim, there are always ways around the state-level bans, but nothing’s ever going to be a satisfactory solution short of making abortion legal across the entire country. Also, most methods leave some sort of trail of evidence, and with a bounty on the heads of those who procure abortion, people will be motivated to turn others in.

    • Phil M 13:28 on 2022-06-27 Permalink

      Alternate location proposal: The American embassy.

    • Kate 14:14 on 2022-06-27 Permalink

      Phil M, the American consulate is in the office building at 1134 Ste‑Catherine St W., just west of Peel. Tricky location to hold a demo.

    • Ephraim 15:40 on 2022-06-27 Permalink

      @Kate – Yes, for example, providing abortion at Veteran’s hospitals, which are federal territory. But reality is that before abortion was available in the US, American women travelled to Canada… but that’s middle class. It’s a lot tougher for those earning minimum incomes in the US. Especially since that is what is tied to the especially bad outcomes (statistically). Somehow an unwanted child doesn’t tend to grow up in a loving home.

  • Kate 19:20 on 2022-06-26 Permalink | Reply  

    The Ultras, extreme fans of CF Montreal, have been slapped on the wrist before, but they received another reprimand* Sunday after the team defeated Charlotte FC 2‑1. The Ultras took seats bought by other people and let off fireworks, which is not allowed at Saputo Stadium.

    *In French, I can always feel when I’m up against some really old expression I don’t know. Usually it turns out to be from the Fables of La Fontaine, but this one isn’t: Là où le bât blesse.In English, we’d just say the sore spot.

    • Kate 18:28 on 2022-06-26 Permalink | Reply  

      Responding to ombudsman complaints, CDN‑NDG borough is hiring park wardens to patrol its major parks to keep them clean, particularly dealing with trashcan overflows.

      • Kate 12:52 on 2022-06-26 Permalink | Reply  

        TVA reports on a bad fire in the east end at Durocher and Sherbrooke East – not the Durocher downtown. There’s another one in Montreal East.

        Here’s a photo that’s been tweeted along with the news that it’s now a five‑alarm fire. La Presse reports that nobody has been hurt.

        • dhomas 13:07 on 2022-06-26 Permalink

          I could see the plume of smoke from my house, close to Radisson metro, about 5km away. Looks like a big fire.

        • Kate 18:36 on 2022-06-26 Permalink

          The Journal has some photos now, including an aerial shot.

      • Kate 12:46 on 2022-06-26 Permalink | Reply  

        Homeless people, mostly Inuit, have been once again pushed off an empty lot at the corner of Milton and Park. Residents of the area want a fair solution for the people who gather near the Open Door day shelter, down Park Avenue.

        • Kate 11:28 on 2022-06-26 Permalink | Reply  

          ProposMontréal has tweeted some photos of the newly reopened Viger Square. I would have wished for a little more greenery and fewer cobblestones, but I guess the arrangement will be easier to maintain.

          • Latour Roger 11:45 on 2022-06-26 Permalink

            Apparently designers and architects did not receive the memo about the necessity of greenery and trees. Hot summers and all that, you know?

          • DeWolf 18:15 on 2022-06-26 Permalink

            There are plenty of trees and green spaces in the new square, but the trees are saplings so it will be a few years before they provide any shade.

            When I passed by on Friday afternoon, there were kids playing in the water features and lots of people sitting on the benches. There are also ping-pong tables underneath the original 1960s concrete features that seem very popular. There’s a little kiosk next to the fountains that looks like it will soon host a café.

            It’s already much livelier than the previous version of the square.

          • Kate 18:37 on 2022-06-26 Permalink

            That’s nice to hear.

          • Martin - ProposMontreal 21:24 on 2022-06-26 Permalink

            hey that’s me 🙂

        • Kate 10:14 on 2022-06-26 Permalink | Reply  

          People who live in Point St-Charles are tired of endless Airbnb parties in adjoining buildings.

          • Kate 08:42 on 2022-06-26 Permalink | Reply  

            Shots were fired overnight in a rather postindustrial part of Outremont, the corner of Durocher and Beaubien, near the tracks, presumed to be fired at a car, but no victims have turned up.

            • Kate 08:35 on 2022-06-26 Permalink | Reply  

              There was one homicide and three injuries after a man went berserk early Sunday on Drummond Street. Two of the injured are in critical condition and the attacker has been arrested.

              Update: CTV reveals that the 26-year-old suspect is the stepson of the murdered man, and he also stabbed another man and two women, although what their relationships are is not explained. Global says one of the injured women is the suspect’s mother and the other male victim was the doorman.

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