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  • Kate 11:52 on 2022-07-26 Permalink | Reply  

    Montrealers have till Sunday to request a free treatment against the emerald ash borer if they hope to save their ash trees. Article has a link to the city site.

    • Kevin 10:05 on 2022-07-27 Permalink

      I looked at that link and was thwarted by the demand for the legal representative of a non-existent board, accompanied by a copy of the board resolution naming that person as legal representative, and the demand for the name of the non-existent company that the website believes owns my home, as opposed to the reality that it’s just my wife and me.


    • Kate 10:44 on 2022-07-27 Permalink

      That’s weird. Do they have your address mixed up with a condo building that would have a board?

    • Kevin 12:40 on 2022-07-27 Permalink

      I think it’s just that I live in a duplex and the government seems to think that a small building with 2 units is run exactly the same way as a building with 10 or more owners.

  • Kate 09:19 on 2022-07-26 Permalink | Reply  

    La Presse caught a good shot of the new downtown REV, showing motorbikes parked in it, and trucks moving across it. Although some are happy with the new path, running along Viger, St‑Jacques and St‑Antoine, it’s (predictably) also receiving some criticism.

    • j2 11:51 on 2022-07-26 Permalink

      uh the sign says they can park there… well done VdM. And that must be just before the entry to the Centre de Commerce Mondial parking, so of course traffic will cross it.

    • Simon 12:02 on 2022-07-26 Permalink

      Looks like there’s about to be some motorcycles toppled over.

      I can’t believe the cowards building this REV didn’t even properly separate the path, as though we haven’t had enough lessons about how much protection a handful of flexible plastic posts offer.

    • DeWolf 13:10 on 2022-07-26 Permalink

      I think part of the problem is the work is still not officially finished, meaning the REV is not officially open, something the city is extremely bad at communicating. It was similar when the REV St-Denis was under construction – there were several weeks of confusion thanks to half-finished installations and contradictory signage.

      I really don’t understand the city’s reluctance to use hard barriers on paths like this, even if it’s a temporary arrangement. They already have some concrete barriers on Metcalfe just north of de Maisonneuve, so why not install them on Viger and St-Antoine to physically prevent cars from parking in the bike path?

    • Blork 16:38 on 2022-07-26 Permalink

      Yeah, there’s a sign on the pole saying “No parking except for motorbikes” but presumably the motorbikes are supposed to park in the median, not right there on the bike path. Another example of clueless signage.

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