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  • Kate 14:51 on 2022-09-14 Permalink | Reply  

    The Gazette says there are a fair few ridings in and around Montreal teetering between the CAQ, the PLQ, QS and even – in Laval and on the South Shore – the PCQ.

    • Kate 14:33 on 2022-09-14 Permalink | Reply  

      The same day François Legault denied a climate change fund to Quebec’s cities, Montreal was hit with a deluge its sewer system and even the metro system couldn’t handle. Mayor Plante fears the city will be facing more of these extreme weather events as the climate goes down the tubes.

      • Blork 15:35 on 2022-09-14 Permalink

        Person on the bike riding blind in 50cm of water with toddler on the back demonstrating excellent parenting skills.

      • Jonathan 15:40 on 2022-09-14 Permalink

        Is that parent shaming? I’m not sure that’s really an appropriate comment.

      • Blork 16:43 on 2022-09-14 Permalink

        Well maybe if you engage in activities that put your child at risk then a bit of shaming is appropriate.

        Specifically: riding a bicycle in 50cm of murky wavy water where you cannot see what hazards lurk underneath. Potholes, manholes missing their covers, broken bottles, shards of wood with nails, etc. There’s a high risk of toppling that bike with the kid attached, submerging the kid in that murky water while you try to recover, assuming you didn’t break your leg or knock yourself unconscious, etc. in which case the kid could be submerged for more than a few seconds. It’s one thing to put yourself at risk by riding blind through deep water, but for the sake of your kid you should either take a different route or wait it out.

      • walkerp 07:33 on 2022-09-15 Permalink

        Blork, no. That’s the stupidest comment you’ve made ever here.
        That dad is a hero and his kid was psyched.

      • Robert H 08:47 on 2022-09-15 Permalink

        Blork, yes. That’s an acute comment, considering. It’s something I’ve done, not often and certainly not with a passenger, in the past on routes I’ve known well. But I was much younger and less cautious than I’ve become as I approach my dotage. I admire that cyclist’s perseverance, and who knows, the kid was probably “psyched.” But as you so accurately observed, with such precious cargo, the man’s judgement was questionable.

      • Dan 09:24 on 2022-09-15 Permalink

        Considering the metro was basically down, the Communauto app crashed, Uber at 5x surge and buses non-existent, would love to hear more armchair commentary about what this parent “should” have done.

      • Kate 09:57 on 2022-09-15 Permalink

        Du calme, mes amis. Blork was not making a stupid comment. Cycling under those conditions is hazardous, and the chance that the bike could go sideways with the kid attached is not nil. The man aboard always had the option of staying put for awhile, or maybe taking a different route if necessary.

      • dwgs 11:03 on 2022-09-15 Permalink

        Yeesh, what is this? Twitter?

      • walkerp 12:06 on 2022-09-15 Permalink

        My god we have become soft as a society, so safe and protected that we spend our time watching others to yell and scream about the risks of their behaviour. The education that child is receiving about perseverance, about nature, about living, about stoicism, about hanging with his parent, about what getting wet means far outweighs any potential risks (which were minimal, probably actually less than usual because cars, the real risk, can’t drive fast in those conditions).

      • Chris 12:07 on 2022-09-15 Permalink

        >The man aboard always had the option of staying put for awhile

        You know that do you?

      • Kevin 12:17 on 2022-09-15 Permalink

        The moral in almost every Can-lit story I read in high school, cegep, and university was: This is Canada, and the weather can kill you.

        Sometimes the best thing to do is put on your hazard lights, pull over, and find a place to hole up.

      • CE 12:30 on 2022-09-15 Permalink

        I’m with dwgs here. There are some pretty “chronically online” takes in this thread.

      • Michael 20:09 on 2022-09-15 Permalink

        Parent should have stayed home! How is this not obvious?

      • carswell 20:26 on 2022-09-15 Permalink

        Given the time of day, the father had probably just picked the kid up from daycare. If so, he didn’t have the option to stay home and may have been at work and dropped by the daycare centre on his way home. And if so, he would probably have a good idea of the condition of the road he was on, having biked the route many times — and maybe even the evening — before. I would have waited out the storm but it probably would have been a long wait and we don’t know if he had that option.

      • PO 01:06 on 2022-09-16 Permalink

        Doesn’t take much water to lift a car off the ground and have it float… Float enough to drift sideways into a cyclist and knock him down or pin him into the side of another car.

        To even be walking in proximity of cars wading through foot-deep water is a risk and idiotic.

        Avoiding that stretch of road in a flood isn’t soft, it’s common sense.

      • walkerp 08:32 on 2022-09-16 Permalink

        Let’s make up fantasy dangers to support our softness and feed our moral fervour. I can only guess that those of you making these prudent comments have only ever lived in the city, and probably the east coast.

        The freaking out here should be about 1) climate change and 2) the people whose houses got flooded. Those are the truly alarming elements about this rainfall. The obsession with “safety” is a symptom of late-stage capitalism and another way to bury your head in the sand and avoid the real issues that are dooming us and our planet.

      • walkerp 08:37 on 2022-09-16 Permalink

        I also note that nobody is condemning the cars for driving in this dangerous flood, no critique for a parent who may have their child in a car when they should have just left them at daycare.

      • Blork 09:07 on 2022-09-16 Permalink

        WalkerP, you’re talking a lot of shit like someone who’s spent the last five years digging deeper and deeper into Trumpland rabbit holes. Freaking out? Nobody’s freaking out. It was just an observation that riding a bike through choppy floodwaters is risky. And it’s not a fantasy risk. Have you ever ridden a bicycle through water like that? I have (no kid on the back) and it is scary and hazardous.

        Cars? Hitting a pothole or running over a hidden piece of flood debris in a car does not put the passengers at risk.

        The only one who is wrapped up in fantasy and moral fervour is you. The fact that you get so bent out of shape from a simple observation indicates that YOU are the one who needs to spend less time in online rabbit holes.

      • walkerp 10:11 on 2022-09-16 Permalink

        No, it wasn’t just an observation, it was a moral judgement of the kind that is often thrown at cyclists and parents who don’t follow a strict suburban code of parenting behaviour and masked as “concern”. And I’m not just responding to you but to the other softies wagging their fingers in this thread.

        And seriously, no risk to drivers in a flood? Perfectly acceptable for the driver to be on the road putting the father and his child in danger?

      • PO 10:36 on 2022-09-16 Permalink

        You’re flailing. No one’s critique of the parent comes from contempt for cyclists, nor from any bizarre “suburban code” or whatever kind of fantastic enemy you’ve created for yourself.

        Critiquing parents and general concern for the welfare of children is as old as humanity. Not sure how “late stage capitalism” comes into play but I’m guessing it’s symptom of too much Reddit or something like that. (Which itself clashes with the “softies” accusations. So I don’t know… OK Boomer?)

      • Meezly 12:57 on 2022-09-16 Permalink

        Actually, early on in this thread, Blork admitted he was indeed engaging in parent shaming, which ended up derailing this post, which should’ve been about shaming those who aren’t giving two f*cks about the climate emergency! The comment may not have been stupid but I agree with Jonathan it was not appropriate.

        True we’ve been critiquing parents since the dawn of humanity, but you have to admit that parent-shaming has escalated exponentially with the proliferation of social media. As a cyclist who’s carried her precious cargo a lot, it really didn’t look like the dad was putting his kid’s life or safety in real danger. With the flooding, everyone was driving more slowly and cautiously. And for all we know, he probably only had to travel a few blocks.

      • Kate 13:28 on 2022-09-16 Permalink

        Sorry if anyone has felt offended by things in this thread, I was letting it run its course but I should perhaps have called time on it sooner.

        I had no intention of starting a war with this Twitter embed, and will be more careful in future.

      • CE 13:52 on 2022-09-16 Permalink

        I think this really shows the absolute toxicity of Twitter. Just a little bit of it seeping into this blog broke open the dam and the awfulness immediately flooded in!

    • Kate 12:56 on 2022-09-14 Permalink | Reply  

      The hot real estate market over the last few years has caused the new Montreal island tax roll values to rise by more than 32% on average.

      • Kate 09:22 on 2022-09-14 Permalink | Reply  

        The city has been forced to find a new operator for the Lachine recycling plant so that recycling pickups can continue. Ricova had admitted it was not able to meet requirements in Lachine, so it remains to be seen whether someone else can.

        • Kate 09:17 on 2022-09-14 Permalink | Reply  

          Radio-Canada tells a tale of an apartment building on St-Louis Square which was sold this summer, and tenants were immediately bullied and harassed by someone sent by the landlord to get them out.

          • Blork 13:08 on 2022-09-14 Permalink

            FFS, sending a thug to drill holes in the roof? Whaaaat?!!!

          • walkerp 13:30 on 2022-09-14 Permalink

            This guy Tristan Desautels is a scumbag. Somebody needs to retaliate against him directly, maybe drill some holes in his own home. Easy to find on social media, looks like he is a real estate agent and also did this shit in Sherbrooke.

          • Michael 17:16 on 2022-09-14 Permalink

            If he is real estate agent, he can be reported to them. The OACIQ has taken action against their brokers that engage in potentially illegal behaviour like this.

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