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  • Kate 23:15 on 2022-09-17 Permalink | Reply  

    A violent incident in the Plateau on Saturday afternoon left one man in critical condition – and not the one that was pushed out of a second‑floor window, either. Both men are known to police.

    Sunday, TVA says a third man was also injured in the fight.

    • Meezly 13:11 on 2022-09-18 Permalink

      Yup, just another day of beatings and defenestrations of neighbourhood ruffians.

      This happened on our street!

    • Kate 14:21 on 2022-09-18 Permalink

      Yikes. Did you see any of it, Meezly?

    • Meezly 14:32 on 2022-09-18 Permalink

      Only the aftermath. I just saw all the cop cars blocking off the alley, and the police interviewing a guy sitting on the front steps. I can only assume he was the guy who fell down the building, but at the time, I had no clue what was going on.

    • Kate 15:59 on 2022-09-18 Permalink

      We don’t get many defenestrations in these parts.

  • Kate 23:12 on 2022-09-17 Permalink | Reply  

    The Police Brotherhood is looking for a new contract that would include a 6% raise.

    I suppose that’s not unreasonable, given inflation.

    • Kate 16:29 on 2022-09-17 Permalink | Reply  

      A man was killed Saturday afternoon during a police intervention on Nuns Island. The BEI will investigate.

      • Kate 13:18 on 2022-09-17 Permalink | Reply  

        A condo developer wants the city to allow 35‑storey highrises along Decarie near Blue Bonnets, where current zoning only allows two storeys. I can’t help thinking there’s a happy medium to be found here somewhere.

        • DeWolf 21:35 on 2022-09-17 Permalink

          Why not 35 storeys? There’s absolutely nothing in the vicinity so it’s not like there’s any context to respect.

        • Kate 22:27 on 2022-09-17 Permalink

          Decarie’s already a canyon, imagine with 35-storey condos looming over both sides!

          Actually, I don’t care. Set them back a bit from the road, maybe. I had to live on the Decarie service road for years in my childhood so I don’t know why anyone would want to, but let ’em come.

        • DeWolf 17:50 on 2022-09-18 Permalink

          I don’t see any detailed plans yet, but the general aim of the project is to replace a bunch of big-box stores and their huge parking lots (Wal-Mart, Toys ‘R’ Us, etc.) with housing. I’m not sure if the towers will be directly on Decarie but either way, it’s a good thing for the city to get rid of strip malls.


      • Kate 12:34 on 2022-09-17 Permalink | Reply  

        Mayor Plante is concerned about the CAQ’s plan to direct foreign students to regional universities, fearing that this might tend to empty the city’s francophone universities. In this piece she also makes a plea for provincial help with “affordable” housing as contrasted with social housing.

        You know what? “Affordable” housing is a chimera. Either you have social housing, with defined and firm controls over how much rent can be asked of the tenant in terms of percentage of income, or you don’t. “Affordable” housing with no controls will always rise to market levels, because people are corruptible.

        • Kate 10:17 on 2022-09-17 Permalink | Reply  

          One reason the city has changed the operator of the Lachine recycling plant is that so much paper waste has built up that it feared a fire could break out.

          • maggie rose 20:22 on 2022-09-17 Permalink

            I wonder how much Amazon cardboard boxes, and other delivery outlets have added to the increase. Metro grocery switched from heavy plastic bags to cardboard boxes only for delivery. IGA switched to half-size paper bags for delivery, which are sorta clever. I know cause with long covid I rely on these guys, among others for all & sundry. Another side-affect for society from this unholy illness. At my apartment bldg. cardboard output has exploded in recent years. The over-55’s here when I moved in 20 years ago produced a fraction of the garbage & recycling compared to today. And I thought they were not good at sorting their trash back then. Education of the population is so needed. Including big companies. (stepping off soapbox)

        • Kate 10:10 on 2022-09-17 Permalink | Reply  

          Le Devoir has a whole dossier Saturday about the history of Acfas, the Association canadienne-française pour l’avancement des sciences, which includes a story about a secret laboratory at UdeM during World War II and another about the origins of the Pinel Institute, and others.

          I’m not sure about the idea of scientific research in French – science is science – but anything that helps science progress is good.

          • Kate 09:37 on 2022-09-17 Permalink | Reply  

            The question whether the cross should be turned purple to honour Queen Elizabeth II is asked here, but not answered.

            • Alex L 11:18 on 2022-09-17 Permalink

              « La ville de Montréal a de nouveau changé les ampoules dela croix du Mont- Royal, jeudi. Après la mort du roi, les autorités municipales avalent décidé de faire remplacer Ies ampoules blanches par des ampoules violettes, en signe de deuil, sur la croix de la montagne, mais par suite du changement, plusieurs citoyens ont fait part aux chefs de l’administration que les lumières étaient tellement sombres qu’on avait peine à voir la croix. Les ampoules ont été changées et on pouvait mieux distinguer la croix dans l’obscurité, la nuit dernière. »

              Le Soleil, samedi 9 février 1952 https://numerique.banq.qc.ca/patrimoine/details/52327/3171045

            • steph 11:22 on 2022-09-17 Permalink

              Why would they change the color of the cross for the pope? I thought we were secular. /s

            • Alex L 11:25 on 2022-09-17 Permalink

              « Montreal, Feb. 7 — The 100-foot illuminated cross atop Mount Royal tonight will shine in funeral purple as an expression of Montreal’s mourning for the death of King George VI. The number of lights will be increased from 80 to 160 and changed from yellow to purple. »

              Sherbrooke Daily Record, February 7, 1952 https://numerique.banq.qc.ca/patrimoine/details/52327/2993892

            • Kate 12:08 on 2022-09-17 Permalink

              Thank you, Alex L.

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