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  • Kate 20:33 on 2022-09-23 Permalink | Reply  

    Thousands were out Friday for the climate demonstration, and CTV says the Quebec environment minister was booed till he left the scene at the Cartier monument before the march began.

    Radio-Canada didn’t report the event on the Montreal news page, only on its environment page, and it’s not reported on the CBC side at all.

    • Ian 14:04 on 2022-09-24 Permalink

      I guess they are too busy with Fiona down east. There was a pretty good turnout for the march, though not as massive as when Thunberg visited. All political parties were asked to stay at the rear of the march, which was a nice touch imo.

  • Kate 20:26 on 2022-09-23 Permalink | Reply  

    The MUHC has released a summary of the report on systemic racism but not the report itself. However, they did a volte‑face earlier Friday to allow the authors to speak to the media, so perhaps we’ll soon learn more about it.

    • Uatu 14:09 on 2022-09-24 Permalink

      Well they have to address it because it might affect donations. Although I’m not surprised that the management that was oblivious to Porter and his shenanigans would be clueless to this as well.

  • Kate 15:11 on 2022-09-23 Permalink | Reply  

    I was interested to notice a tab for “edibles” on the SQDC site today, since François Legault has been determined to spare the children by forbidding things like fruit gummies to the poor benighted people of Quebec.

    The kids are safe. Who fancies infused beets or cauliflower, two of the items available on the short list? There are also figs and some sort of blackcurrant-cinnamon confection, but beets? Cauliflower?!

    • jeleventybillionandone 18:33 on 2022-09-23 Permalink

      I thought you were joking about beets and cauliflower, but you are not. I guess stoners like salad?

    • dhomas 20:05 on 2022-09-23 Permalink

      My 8 year old daughter’s favourite food is cauliflower (no joke!). Won’t someone please think of the children?! ;P

    • DeWolf 21:30 on 2022-09-23 Permalink

      The cauliflower is strange but the infused figs are not bad. There are some very healthy seeming oat cake type things that are actually pretty delicious.

      I was in BC over the summer and stocked up on gummies which, I have to say, are pretty great. Because there are no gummies here, people just buy them on the black market, which says a lot about the coherence of the CAQ’s cannabis policies.

      The drinks sold at the SQDC are definitely worthwhile though.

    • Mark Côté 22:55 on 2022-09-23 Permalink

      I’m told making gummies with the oils sold by the SQDC is not terribly difficult.

  • Kate 10:43 on 2022-09-23 Permalink | Reply  

    A teenager was stabbed near a school in St‑Michel Thursday afternoon, not fatally. Police are looking for the two teenagers suspected of the attack.

    • Kate 10:39 on 2022-09-23 Permalink | Reply  

      TVA has another piece emphasizing how young police officers don’t want to work in Montreal because of stress, overtime and danger.

      Anyone afraid of stress, overtime and danger shouldn’t be going into that line of work.

      • Ephraim 15:55 on 2022-09-23 Permalink

        And how much of that stress and danger is caused by the police themselves?

        Things that could help them with stress, danger and overtime… Police wardens to give out tickets. Social workers to help navigate situations and replace them after the initial contact. And bodycams, which lower the threats to them and at the same time can be used to look back at situations with a social worker or psychologist to see how it could be better handled.

        A lot of the blame plans squarely at their feet and the feet of their brotherhood.

        Oh and maybe it’s time to stop calling it a brotherhood? It’s sexist and to be honest sounds corrupt as hell.

      • DeWolf 21:32 on 2022-09-23 Permalink

        Yeah, if the SPVM didn’t see itself as some kind of occupying force, people wouldn’t treat them as such. When was the last time you actually saw a cop walking through a park interacting with people like an actual human being?

      • mare 11:35 on 2022-09-24 Permalink

        @DeWolf Recently I saw two cops strolling in the park, after they had left their car completely blocking the path. It was weird, they looked like fish out of the water. They tried hard to act casual, but couldn’t really walk like normal human beings, not with kilos of weaponry attached to their belt and wearing a stab-proof vest, considerably limiting their movements.

      • Chris 14:41 on 2022-09-24 Permalink

        >Anyone afraid of stress, overtime and danger shouldn’t be going into that line of work.

        Hmmm. If nurses complained of stress and overtime, would you say the same? After all, it’s part and parcel of their work too.

        >if the SPVM didn’t see itself as some kind of occupying force, people wouldn’t treat them as such.

        Mostly people don’t see them as such, just a tiny percentage of very online people, who often think their view is representative, when in fact it’s not.

      • Mark Côté 10:36 on 2022-09-25 Permalink

        A survey done earlier this year showed that only 50% of Canadians trust the police (and 40% of Black Canadians). True, not trusting the police isn’t the same as viewing them as an occupying force, but with those numbers, I’m sure it’s not a fringe view.

      • Chris 13:41 on 2022-09-25 Permalink

        Mark, as you said, that stat you quoted is for something quite different. There is a huge gulf between “trust” and “occupying force”. I’m certain there are many that maybe don’t trust the police, but still believe they are needed.

        Even in Minneapolis, where George Floyd was murdered, the “defund” referendum failed, and failed by *higher* margins in areas with more black people:


      • DeWolf 17:24 on 2022-09-25 Permalink

        Chris, I said they see *themselves* as an occupying force. It shows in the haughty and mistrusting way in which they interact with the public. Not surprising given that only 1/10 police officers actually live in Montreal.

        Police have their problems everywhere but the interactions I’ve seen in other cities have often been very different to what I’ve witnessed here.

      • Ian 17:35 on 2022-09-25 Permalink

        “a tiny percentage of very online people, who often think their view is representative, when in fact it’s not.”

        Hello, pot? I have the kettle on line 1 for you.

    • Kate 09:05 on 2022-09-23 Permalink | Reply  

      The Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal is asking the feds for a moratorium on Publisac distribution by Canada Post. I saw a tweet that claimed that advertising flyers make up 11% of the material in Montreal’s paper recycling – it’s not mentioned in this article and I will try to chase down a cite.

      It isn’t just Valérie Plante. Other nearby mayors are supporting her.

      • Ephraim 16:00 on 2022-09-23 Permalink

        Do people still use them? Most of the supermarkets don’t even print them anymore. I use Reebee. It’s easier to find a discount product… And easier to show at Maxi for a price match. And when you buy 6 to 8 cartons of eggs a week, any discounts help.

      • Spi 17:03 on 2022-09-23 Permalink

        To my knowledge they all still get printed, you might not get all of them in your publisac if you don’t have that specific chain in your neighbourhoods or postal code. For example Provigo wouldn’t pay to have their weekly flyer distributed in Laval when there isn’t a single provigo there.

    • Kate 09:03 on 2022-09-23 Permalink | Reply  

      Here are your traffic snarls of the weekend.

      • carswell 09:53 on 2022-09-23 Permalink

        Since neither article bother to mention it, bikes are banned from the metro between opening and noon on Sunday.

      • Kate 12:14 on 2022-09-23 Permalink

        Not surprising, although I admit I hadn’t imagined people cycling to the start point of a marathon.

      • carswell 12:40 on 2022-09-23 Permalink

        Wouldn’t go to the marathon on bike or foot. But on weekends I and many others often end up taking our rusty steeds on the metro. This weekend, for example, I’m planning to bike out to the west island, come back via the Lachine Canal path, stop at Atwater market for a bite and to do my food shopping and then hop on the metro to get my fragile tomatoes and seafood home as intact as possible.

    • Kate 09:02 on 2022-09-23 Permalink | Reply  

      A big climate demonstration is planned to begin Friday at 1 pm at the Cartier monument, as Hurricane Fiona is expected in the Maritimes and eastern Quebec.

      Notes from the STM about buses rerouted for the demo.

      • Kate 08:59 on 2022-09-23 Permalink | Reply  

        TVA has a gruesome account from the trial of Omar Araghoune, Gretzky Marcellus and Jeffrey Romel Nauzino, accused of invading the Lasalle home of Osvaldo Pineda Melgar in 2019 and executing him in front of his wife and kids.

        In other crime followup news, arrests have been made in Vancouver and Ottawa of two men accused in the murder last month in the Rockland shopping centre parking lot.

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