Updates from September, 2022 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Kate 21:34 on 2022-09-29 Permalink | Reply  

    Salaries are said to be soaring in Montreal as employers are finding it difficult to fill job openings.

    • Blork 09:57 on 2022-09-30 Permalink

      The only examples cited are for executives and senior software engineers. Are salaries at Jean Coutu or Provigo soaring? What about for fire fighters or librarians? Teachers? Nurses? PEOPLE WHO DO MY JOB?

  • Kate 21:23 on 2022-09-29 Permalink | Reply  

    Candidates in NDG and Westmount are causing concern by having some campaign material in English. Seems it’s not actually illegal to do this – yet.

    • Ian 12:32 on 2022-09-30 Permalink

      Wait until the powers that be find out about what languages we speak at home, in private

  • Kate 09:39 on 2022-09-29 Permalink | Reply  

    This Friday is the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, which Quebec does not officially observe, but there are some events planned around town.

    • Kate 09:30 on 2022-09-29 Permalink | Reply  

      Anne-France Goldwater was in court this week trying to make Longueuil back off on a plan for a deer hunt in Michel‑Chartrand Park. She thinks the public have been misled; the municipality says damage to the park by the growing herd is becoming critical. The judge has promised a quick verdict.

      • Joey 10:48 on 2022-09-29 Permalink

        Hard to see how the city will lose here… (IANAL)

      • Blork 16:48 on 2022-09-29 Permalink

        Sad to see them go, but go they must. https://flic.kr/p/2nPR56h

      • Kate 10:38 on 2022-09-30 Permalink

        Blork, are the deer basically trapped in the park because of surrounding roads and development? In nature, presumably the animals would move along iooking for new sources of food, and evolutionary pressures would come into play as the weaker animals died of hunger or predation. But I guess there aren’t any wolves in Michel‑Chartrand park, and nowhere for the deer to go.

      • dhomas 13:30 on 2022-09-30 Permalink

        If those deer have been trapped there, it’s been generations (in terms of deer’s lifespan, which is roughly 5 years). According to historical satellite data (thank you Google Earth!), the adjacent golf course was developed some time in the late-80’s. This would have effectively cut them off from getting to the nearby Boisé du Tremblay. It is still possible to get to that boisé, but I suspect the roads separating the different green spaces have become much more developed and busy than they had previously been and so, the deer can’t really “escape” the park. The park is pretty big, so they’ve probably been able to live there for all these years without issue, until their numbers grew too large.

        If they really don’t want to kill the deer, maybe the can consider wildlife crossings so they can migrate a little more freely without getting run down by cars? I’ve seen these in some places I’ve visited. It would take a few of them to allow the deer to get through the golf course and out into the Boisé, but it’s not impossible (probably only very costly).

      • Blork 10:18 on 2022-10-01 Permalink

        The park is surrounded by streets, but that doesn’t really confine the deer. They wander about the surrounding neighborhoods pretty regularly.

      • Kate 11:19 on 2022-10-01 Permalink

        If the deer could be herded safely along to Boisé du Tremblay, would that only move the problem to a different location?

      • Blork 15:55 on 2022-10-01 Permalink

        I don’t know. Probably. Also, it’s probably really hard to corral and herd 100 deer! Apparently they’re very jittery and just fall over and die if you stress them too much.

    • Kate 09:23 on 2022-09-29 Permalink | Reply  

      The mayor of Montreal East says her town doesn’t want the kerosene terminal that was planned in 2019 but has not yet been built. The installation was meant to produce airplane fuel for the Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa airports. Mayor Anne St‑Laurent says it goes against her environmental principles.

      • Kate 09:04 on 2022-09-29 Permalink | Reply  

        The Longueuil and Laval police chiefs and the interim Montreal chief were all in agreement Wednesday on Radio‑Canada, saying that community groups must have long‑term funding to create an atmosphere that works against violence, and to have people who would be aware of hostile situations brewing both online and face to face.

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