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  • Kate 22:09 on 2022-12-28 Permalink | Reply  

    The Journal has two lists of the notable criminal goof‑ups of 2022 in Montreal and nearby. (In some cases the crimes were committed this year, while in others, they were heard in court.)

    • Kate 22:05 on 2022-12-28 Permalink | Reply  

      La Presse is predicting a soggy New Year’s day as warming temperatures will be followed by rain on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

      • Kate 12:05 on 2022-12-28 Permalink | Reply  

        In Quebec, where 280 churches have been closed or demolished since 2003, the challenge is to find affordable ways to convert church buildings for other uses. Le Devoir’s Jean‑Louis Bordeleau finds a couple of examples of successful repurposing.

        • shawn 14:00 on 2022-12-28 Permalink

          Le Devoir running two stories the same day on preserving (overwhelmingly Roman Catholic) religious buildings is another indication of how important this is to people, even in secular Québec. That said I’m a secular Jew who’s spent enormous amounts of time working on Wikipedia articles about Quebec Catholic Church architecture so I suppose I am part of it too.

        • Em 15:37 on 2022-12-28 Permalink

          A lot of times the churches sit right in the heart of a town or neighbourhood (esp in small places) and the steeple is a defining piece of the skyline. I’m not religious by any means but I’m always happy to see them preserved as a community gathering space of some sorts.

        • Ian 18:26 on 2022-12-28 Permalink

          A whole pile of synagogues were repurposed in my neighbourhood. Some became churches for a variety of denominations, some became residences. Some became school buildings. One even became the local Ukrainian hall.

        • Kate 21:58 on 2022-12-28 Permalink

          There’s an old synagogue on Duluth that’s been an apartment buiding for decades – maybe since the 1950s.

          Em: I know what you mean exactly.

      • Kate 10:26 on 2022-12-28 Permalink | Reply  

        CultMTL reports on how a predatory landlord doubled the rent on a longstanding Villeray fruiterie, then opened a new fruiterie right across from it. The Facebook group Sauvons Tsikinis mentioned in the article has been “put on pause” for some reason.

        • Blork 16:13 on 2022-12-28 Permalink

          Does anyone here know if the culprit (Holdings Rubino) has any connection to the Rubino shoe stores?

        • Blork 16:17 on 2022-12-28 Permalink

          OK, a couple of minutes on Google confirms they have the same owner. I know where I won’t be buying my shoes from now on.

        • JaneyB 15:03 on 2022-12-29 Permalink

          @Blork – if you’re on reddit, you could post this on the Montreal subreddit, along with the connection to Rubino shoes. I’m pretty sure La Presse editors read reddit.

          Also, you could just directly email the newsroom at La Presse with this connection. I’ve done that and there was a front page article on the subject a day later. It’s surprising how fast local media will move.

        • Ian 16:38 on 2022-12-30 Permalink

          Here’s their OG if anyone wants to leave a message – https://www.instagram.com/rubinoshoes

        • Jean-François 21:53 on 2022-12-30 Permalink

          Is there anything “alive” concerning protecting Tsikinis? “Sauvons Tsikinis” has been out for a while, people seems to think any action could compromise wathever. Seems to me more pressure the better. I am disgusted by that kind of rich narcissistic destructive people. Thanks!

      • Kate 10:23 on 2022-12-28 Permalink | Reply  

        Via Rail was operating its Montreal-Toronto trains normally Tuesday but some Hydro‑Quebec customers are still in the dark five days after the pre‑Christmas storm, loin loin de la ville.

        • Kate 10:03 on 2022-12-28 Permalink | Reply  

          A young man has died after an incident at Bordeaux Jail on the weekend. The SQ is investigating, and no homicide number has been given out.

          Update: A prison guard has been suspended and an investigation has begun.

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