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  • Kate 11:01 on 2023-01-14 Permalink | Reply  

    Raphaël Lévesque, at the time a bigwig in the white nationalist group l’Atalante, has been found guilty of breaking and entering in the course of his and his pals’ invasion of the offices of Vice Quebec in 2018. He was tried, found innocent, but the verdict was reversed on appeal. Now he has to be sentenced.

    It always amazes me when defendants make a plea in court that having a criminal record would mess up their life. It’s lucky for them I’m not a judge because that would make me crack down harder while taking pleasure in pointing out that they should have thought of that before choosing to do the thing that messed up their life.

    • Tim S. 11:12 on 2023-01-14 Permalink

      I find the “this affects my future” line particularly infuriating when the case involves white collar crime that was committed as part of a job.

    • Ephraim 12:23 on 2023-01-14 Permalink

      See, I would like to lower the jail sentences by half…. but include a caution that sentences are subject to being automatically doubled for any perversion of the course of justice, including remaining silent. In other words, if you admit to the crime, this is the sentence… but not helping the police solve the crime… doubles your sentence. You can remain silent, but it has a cost.

    • Bert 17:49 on 2023-01-14 Permalink

      Ephraim, what if you are innocent? What are saying is that being accused is being guilty. If only the cost would also go the other way.

    • Ephraim 19:47 on 2023-01-14 Permalink

      No Bert, double nothing is still nothing. But if you are guilty, then admitting it means you can only get the maximum sentence, not double it. It’s incentivizing helping the police, rather than hiding the truth from them. If we want criminals to admit to crime and therefore lower the cost of prosecution, we need to incentivize it

    • Myles 21:16 on 2023-01-14 Permalink

      That’s also incentivizing people to admit to crimes they didn’t commit, if they have no faith in the justice system to find them innocent. It happens all the time in the US with plea deals.

    • Spi 21:25 on 2023-01-14 Permalink

      There is no substantive difference between Ephraim’s proposal and the common practice in the US of pleading to a lesser charge in order to avoid the harsher sentence on a more serious crime should you be found guilty.

      Both require an admission of guilt and a degree of “cooperation” before a verdict is reached by the courts for fear of a harsher sentence.

  • Kate 10:45 on 2023-01-14 Permalink | Reply  

    A regular blog reader has a heartening piece in CultMTL about how Shiller Lavy is selling off most of its properties on St-Viateur – at a tasty price, of course.

    • walkerp 10:50 on 2023-01-14 Permalink

      Great article, very informative. Thanks. Fingers crossed.

    • Kevin 11:44 on 2023-01-14 Permalink

      Interest-only mortgages?!

      I can somewhat understand that for a homeowner who has a sudden problem and needs to improve cash flow (can’t work, unexpected major repair) but I don’t understand why any company should be doing that unless their only goal is to speculate and flip.

      Any government interested in controlling the cost of housing should ban them immediately

    • Ephraim 12:25 on 2023-01-14 Permalink

      On January 1st there is a new law in regards to “flipping”. Which oddly should have been the law before anyway. You should be required to live on premises, for at least 3 years to claim capital gains exemption.

    • DeWolf 13:00 on 2023-01-14 Permalink

      As some Cult MTL readers noted when this was published, Shiller Lavy is also selling the Lululemon and QDC Burger buildings too, so they’re attempting to completely withdraw from St-Viateur.

      @Kevin, the way it was explained to me is that an interest-only mortgage is used mainly by big property investors who plan to make an immediate profit off of rents before eventually flipping the building.

    • Michael 13:43 on 2023-01-14 Permalink

      The writer didn’t do all his homework.

      A 2 min check shows that the Clark building was bought 100% cash 10 years ago.

      There were some blanket mortgages added in the following years from Desjardins but those were paid off recently.

      Property is free and clear now.

    • Michael 13:46 on 2023-01-14 Permalink

      There was a blanket mortgage of $72.5M put on over a dozen properties of theirs in 2019 and that was paid off completely recently.

      They are still rich. Filthy rich. And the higher rates probably won’t put a dent in them.

  • Kate 10:30 on 2023-01-14 Permalink | Reply  

    A woman was found dead on Decarie near Jean‑Talon Friday evening. Cause of death is under investigation.

    • Kate 10:16 on 2023-01-14 Permalink | Reply  

      At 25 years since the fabled ice storm, the city’s trees have recovered, but they still need careful maintenance as climate change brings new hazards.

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