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  • Kate 21:54 on 2023-04-23 Permalink | Reply  

    Good Stéphane Laporte piece in La Presse on the death of the car after the CAQ’s shift to making the 3e lien a public transit project: “Y a pas plus steak-blé d’Inde-patates que la CAQ. Y a pas un parti plus attaché aux valeurs traditionnelles québécoises : le hockey, la job steady, le bon boss et le gros char. Ils viennent de rayer la dernière de la liste.”

    • DeWolf 00:28 on 2023-04-24 Permalink

      When even the CAQ realizes that car-centric infrastructure doesn’t make economic sense…

    • JaneyB 08:45 on 2023-04-24 Permalink

      I love the photo for that story – so poetic.

    • steph 09:44 on 2023-04-24 Permalink

      are we witnessing the moment when the ROQ turns it’s back on la CAQ because they’ve become too Montreal-centric?

    • Kate 09:51 on 2023-04-24 Permalink

      We might be! The PQ is making hay over it, possibly seeing the issue as a way to revive some of their previous support in the Quebec City area. Quebec Conservative party boss Éric Duhaime is also trying to use the issue to entice disaffected CAQ MNAs to his party.

    • EmilyG 12:45 on 2023-04-24 Permalink

      Wow. The way that article is written, is art. Well done.

    • GC 16:27 on 2023-04-24 Permalink

      Won’t the voters, with their notoriously short memories, forget about this by the time there’s an election? Also, won’t they mostly just lose voters in Levis? They probably still can pull out a majority. Legault has historically been too good at milking his approval ratings. I find it hard to believe he’s overplayed this one. (But we can hope.)

    • Kate 10:19 on 2023-04-25 Permalink

      They won’t forget if other parties make a point of reminding them. The PQ needs to handle it with discretion, because they won’t want to be tarred as anti‑environmentalist – Paul St P Plamondon isn’t a fool – but the Quebec Conservatives won’t mind that a bit.

    • GC 09:51 on 2023-04-26 Permalink

      Let’s hope so, Kate. About Plamondon, I saw this in a CBC article this morning (https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/legault-third-link-frustration-decision-quebec-city-1.6822081):

      ‘Parti Québécois Leader Paul St-Pierre Plamondon said Legault treated voters as “political merchandise,” adding that he would table a bill to allow for the recall of politicians who break election promises.’

      He might want to be careful with that, in case the PQ ever want to break a promise…

      I’m no fan of Legault, and I’m not going to be directly affected by any decisions for this tunnel. But, in an ideal world the government should be changing decisions to do what’s best if new information becomes available. Obviously, “best” can be difficult to define in these cases. And, if they had already decided this before the election and just lied to curry votes that’s something else. I have no idea if that was the case, but certain detractors–like Plamondon–are certainly implying it. It would be interesting to see what studies the CAQ are citing and when they became available.

  • Kate 17:01 on 2023-04-23 Permalink | Reply  

    The Metropolitan near Galeries d’Anjou has reopened after the planned demolition of part of an overpass.

    • Kate 14:28 on 2023-04-23 Permalink | Reply  

      Meshing with recent discussions here, the Journal has a short history of Goose Village. A map shows the vanished streets – Conway, Menai, Forfar, Britannia. As Marian Scott recounted in the Gazette: “Its street names recalled other famous spans designed by chief Victoria Bridge engineer Robert Stephenson, including the Britannia Bridge across the Menai Strait and the Conwy railway bridge, both in Wales.”

      • Kate 09:36 on 2023-04-23 Permalink | Reply  

        The Journal notes that the Place Youville fire was the deadliest the city has seen since 1975, then looks back over the worst fires over the last century.

        • Kate 09:30 on 2023-04-23 Permalink | Reply  

          So it’s raining and there’s a flood watch in effect.

          The weather widget in the blog sidebar (on the desktop version of the blog) isn’t loading because the Environment Canada website’s down. Could this be an effect of the federal government strike?

          …Probably not. It’s back. Never attribute to industrial action that which can more readily be blamed on a computer reboot.

          • Tim S. 21:55 on 2023-04-23 Permalink

            Supposed to be some cool northern lights behind those clouds.

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